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jungkook watched himself in the mirror. he was wearing black leather trousers, and a black, tight shirt. he wanted to put on a choker, but was that too much? nah. he took a choker from his drawer, and put it on. it looked cute.

hoseok had texted jungkook that he went to yoongi's and taehyung's dorm and asked him to meet them there. it was okay to jungkook, he could prepare by himself for the party.

he watched the time from his phone. 6.52pm. hoseok asked jungkook to come at 7pm, so jungkook was just in time. he took his keyes and put on his shoes, and left the dorm.

yoongi's and taehyung's dorm number was 212, so it was on the third floor.

there's so much dorms in the school in jungkook's opinion. or he had always just been in small schools.

jungkook took the stairs to the third floor, and searched the right door.

212, found ya.

jungkook was kinda nervous, but he knocked on the door. there came a cheery taehyung to open the door.

"jungkookie!" taehyung shouted and took jungkook's hands. "you came! you're two minutes late" taehyung said and jungkook smirked.

"classily late" jungkook said.

they came to the kitchen where yoongi and hoseok stood.

hoseok smiled at jungkook, but his smile froze when he saw jungkook. he watched him from head to toes, and couldn't help a blush creeping on his face. jungkook noticed that hoseok was low-key checking him out, and blushed himself.

"hey hoseok-hyung, hey yoongi-hyung" jungkook spoke.

"hi kookie" hoseok said. "you look good."

"thanks, hyung" jungkook said, trying to sound confident. "you don't look bad yourself."

after a while the boys left to the party together. jinyoung and jaebum joined them in the way there.

the college's popular athletes had a shared house close to the school. they were known for throwing parties once in a while.

"so jungkook, this is your first party here?" jinyoung asked jungkook.

"yup" jungkook said.

"ahh, it's going to be so fun!" taehyung said.

"lots of hot chicks" yoongi said.

"you mean dicks?" jaebum said, and everyone laughed, expect yoongi.


the way to the party wasn't that long. it was already 7.20pm, so it was dark outside. jungkook wasn't wearing a jacket, and he was cold. hoseok noticed this.

"why didn't you take a jacket?" hoseok asked jungkook.

"i don't know, didn't think this that far."

"here, take mine" hoseok said and offered jungkook his jacket.

"hyung no, you're gonna freeze without a jacket!"

"no i'm not. and i don't want to see you freeze into a ice cube here!" jungkook giggled. "fine."

jungkook put on hoseok's jacket. it was an oversized, black, ripped denim jacket. jungkook hugged himself in the jacket, and hoseok smiled at him in satisfaction.

soon the boys arrived at the house. there were people outside drinking, even tho the weather was cold. jungkook noticed some people already throwing up. the boys went inside the house, and the smell of sweat and alcohol went straight to their noses. jungkook didn't like it.

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