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not proof-read aye lmao


it was thursday again. the day's last class, history, with hoseok.

they haven't talked about what happened yesterday. hoseok wanted to explain himself, but decided to give jungkook a little space. and jungkook, he was hurt. he couldn't believe that he had let this happen. his little crush on hoseok.

when the class ended, jungkook didn't wait for hoseok to be ready. they didn't walk out of the class together like they usually do. they didn't go to their dorm together like they always do. instead, jungkook walked right out of the class, outside of the building, and started to make his way to somewhere.

jungkook walked. he walked. he walked down the busy streets of seoul, then the not so busy streets, he walked down a small road through a park, until he reached a lake.

a beautiful, small, lake. the water shining in jungkook's eyes, as he walked closer to the water. he sat down on the edge of the lake, careful not to drop in the water. he watched closely as the water blobbed, as it lived on.

jungkook leaned on a little, so he could see his reflection on the water. he could see his blurry reflection in front of him. he took a strand of his hair between his fingers, touched his cheek, and then his chin.

it was so pure. the water. how the water so effortlessly reflected his face, like it was nothing. it didn't judge, it was it's job.

carry on.


hoseok could feel himself starting to wake up. he slowly opened his eyes, and it was dark. it had to be night. why was he awake? he started to realize his surroundings, and heard little noises coming from next to him. he checked the time, 3.06am. hoseok rubbed his eyes, and sat up. he looked next to him, and saw jungkook on his bed, crawled up to a ball, silent sobs escaping his mouth.

hoseok's heart thumped at this sight.

hoseok stood up, and hesitantly walked closer to jungkook's bed.

"jungkook, what's wrong?" hoseok asked. the sobs stopped for a moment. jungkook didn't look up, he just shook his head constantly as he continued to sob.

hoseok sat down on jungkook's bed next to the crying boy. he slowly put his hand on jungkook's head, and started to caress his cheek. "shh...it's okay." jungkook's cheek was so soft, so cold. hoseok slid his hand through jungkook's haird, tried to calm him down. his heart hurt at this sight. crying and ugly sobs were coming from jungkook's mouth. what could possibly make jungkook cry like this?

jungkook slowly sat up and stared hoseok in the eyes. jungkook looked so small, so weak. but hoseok saw something. he saw something in his eyes. far, far away, he saw light, a little sparkling, which wanted to be free.

suddenly jungkook broke up again and collapsed onto hoseok's lap. hoseok's eyes widened as he took a grip of jungkook's hands and lifted him back up.

"hyung" jungkook whispered. hoseok pulled jungkook, taking him on his embrace, hugging jungkook tightly. jungkook was a little taken back at first, but then threw his hands over hoseok and let hoseok take care of him.

jungkook buried his face onto hoseok's neck, and continued to sob. hoseok stroked jungkook's back, calming down the young boy. "it's going to be fine" hoseok whispered into jungkook's ear as the small boy kept on crying. he looked so vulnerable. a tear strimmed down hoseok's cheek as he kept stroking jungkook's back, trying to calm him down.

hoseok knew that this boy held so much inside of him. so much pain, so much emotions. he could see that this weak boy in his arms has been through so much alone, and needed someone to give him strenght.

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