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jungkook was happy when he woke up and noticed that he was sleeping next to hoseok, their legs tangled together. jungkook put his arms around hoseok's torso, hugging him tight.

hoseok's body was so warm. jungkook snuffled his head on hoseok's neck, breathing in his scent. it felt familiar.

"that tickles."

a big smile took over jungkook's face when he realized hoseok was awake.

"hyung~" jungkook whined and got on top of hoseok, his head still nuffled against hoseok's neck, hands tightly around him.

"you're so clingy" hoseok laughed.

"i just like you too much" jungkook said trying to sound confident, but after seeing hoseok's look, he could feel the tip of his ears warming up.

"what did you say?" hoseok asked and brushed jungkook's cheek softly with his hand.

"nothing" jungkook mumbled.

"did you say you like me too much?" hoseok teased and laughed when he saw the boy trembling.

hoseok stroked the back of jungkook's head while the younger boy lied on top of him. hoseok took a hold of jungkook's chin, and lifted his head up.

he stared at the boy's sparkling chocolate eyes, before slowly leaning in a kiss.

"oh my god stop i have a morning breathe!" jungkook said, pulling away from the older.

"i don't care" hoseok said and reconnected their lips. "so cute."

"i'm going to brush my teeth now" jungkook said and started to get up, but hoseok pulled his arm making him fall on top of him again.


"yeah?" jungkook said, almost afraid to speak after the change in hoseok's demeanor. "what?"

"be my boyfriend?" hoseok said, his mouth turning into a big smile.

jungkook looked at him in shock, before hitting him softly in his shoulder. "stop making my heart feel like this at 9 in the morning!" jungkook said. hoseok chuckled and hugged the boy.

"i'll be your boyfriend" jungkook said quietly in hoseok's embrance.


soon the boys got up and went to brush their teeth, before going downstairs. jungkook's mom had made breakfast for all of them, and they ate together. hoseok must admit, jungkook's mom was a great cook.

after eating, they changed their clothes and were laying on jungkook's bed.

"are we going to go meet your friend?" hoseok asked.

"oh, i totally forgot" jungkook said. he took a big sigh. "i guess i'll text him."

jungkook took his phone, and started to write on it. hoseok was almost amazed of how fast jungkook's fingers moved as he was writing the message.

"done" jungkook said and threw his phone away.

"what did you say to him?"

"that i'm in busan, and if he wanted to meet up today" jungkook explained.


after a while, jungkook's phone binged.

jungkook took his phone from the floor, and read through the message quickly.

"shit shit shit shit" he mumbled.

"what? kookie what did he say?" hoseok asked.

"he said that we can meet today."

"is that a bad thing?"

"i mean, no... but i'm so nervous about it, we haven't talked in a while" jungkook said, sighing.

"yeah, i understand. but i'm with you there the whole time, you don't need to worry, okay?" hoseok said.

jungkook looked at the older in the eyes, his eyes looking gentle. a small smile spread on jungkook's face. "okay."


i haven't updated in so long, i'm sorry :( but here's a short chapter for y'all if anyone's still reading this! it's so cringe oh no kakjskj also it's not proof-read and i'm tired so i hope there's not any mistakes hehe

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