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"ow, my head!"

jungkook woke up to the sun hitting his face from the window. damn, why did he leave the curtains open? his head hurt, this is one of the things why jungkook hated drinking. the next morning.

jungkook started to think through last nights events. the police came, and he and hoseok ran to their dorm. then jungkook took a quick shower and went to sleep. what happened before that...

oh my god.

jungkook's face started heating up when he remembered what happened before that. him and hoseok were making out.

a shy smile grew on jungkook's face when he thought about the kiss. it made jungkook feel so... good. he felt so good when he was kissing hoseok. it didn't feel wrong or weird, it felt good.

what is this weird feeling inside jungkook? whenever he thinks about hoseok, he can't help the smile that grows on his face. and hoseok's smile, it can make his worst day much better.

did he... like hoseok?

he hasn't felt like this since with...

"jungkook?" hoseok's voice snapped jungkook out of his thoughts.


"does your head hurt? do you want medicine?" hoseok asked.

"um yes please" jungkook said and hoseok went to get jungkook a glass of water and some medicine. jungkook gulped the medicine down and went back to sleep.


hoseok walked down the aisle to taehyung's and yoongi's room. it was now 2pm, so he guessed that they were already awake.

he knocked on the boys' door, and a sleepy yoongi came to open it.

"oh, hoseok."

"good morning hyung, did i wake you up?" hoseok asked.

"no" yoongi said and watched hoseok in the eyes.

"oh. can i come in?"

"sure" yoongi said and moved so hoseok can get in. he closed the door and walked behind hoseok to their beds.

"good morning my lovely dongsaeng!" hoseok happily said as he plopped down to taehyung's bed and rubbed his hair. taehyung grunted and turned his side.

"fuck you" taehyung mumbled.

"i love you too~"

yoongi plopped down on his bed and turned so he can see hoseok.

"what's up?" yoongi said.

"oh nothing, jungkook is sleeping and i didn't want to bother him, and we haven't also hung out in a while" hoseok said.

"oh yeah, we haven't."

hoseok laid down so he was leaning on taehyung's back. taehyung smacked hoseok's back but hoseok didn't move.

"so how did you guys get home?" hoseok asked.

"oh we were in the second floor's bedroom, the police didn't apparently come there" yoongi explained and yawned.

"oh, why were you in the bedroom?"

yoongi's eyes widened a little. "um.. we just wanted to relax, you know how taehyung is sensitive to loud music and everything" yoongi said and hoseok nodded.

"what about you? did you hook up with someone?" yoongi asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"what? no" hoseok laughed and yoongi just shrugged.

"what's up with you nowdays? you haven't been with anyone lately."

"well" hoseok said and thought about how to say it. "i kind of like someone."

yoongi's eyes widened. "what?" taehyung also got up sitting and watched hoseok straight in the eyes.

hoseok shrugged his shoulders and started smiling.

"who is it?" yoongi asked.

"no one" hoseok said and got up. "oh come on, hoseok! just tell us."

hoseok walked to their kitchen. he started whistling and opened their fridge. he looked for something to eat but there wasn't anything. "oh c'mon, don't you have anything to eat?" hoseok said in disappointment.

"no, we don't. now come tell us who the girl is!" yoongi said.

a shade of pink crept up on hoseok's cheeks as he closed the fridge and turned around.

"um" hoseok went to sit on taehyung's bed again as taehyung and yoongi both stared at him, both wanting to know who's the lucky girl.

"the thing is, he's not a girl."

taehyung and yoongi both watched him, confused.

"oh, he's a dude?" yoongi asked and hoseok nodded.

the both boys stared at him in shock, until yoongi started to smile. "well, he's a lucky guy then."

a smile creeped on hoseok's and taehyung's faces too. hoseok stared them both in the eyes. it was silent. then they all bursted out laughing.

"so..." hoseok started. "the guy is jungkook" hoseok said, and taehyung almost choked. "oh my god! that's sooo cute!"

hoseok started to blush. "stop."

"no seriously! have you told him yet?"

"no!" hoseok almost shouted. "it's gonna be so awkward to be roommates if i tell him i like him and he doesn't like me back."

"well it's worth a shot" yoongi said.

hoseok suddenly rememberd what happened last night. "oh... yesterday at the party we um" hoseok coughed. "we made out"

taehyung was squealing like a fangirl, and yoongi almost choked on his coffee.

"you did what?" yoongi asked, a little shocked. "it's not a big deal. we were drunk and he wasn't thinking" hoseok explained while scratching his neck.

"he totally likes you oh my god" taehyung said and fell onto his bed.

"ok i'm done with you guys. i'll see you on monday, bye" hoseok said as he left the dorm, blushing madly.

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