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not proof-read, sorry!


hoseok walked down the hallway of the school, and saw jungkook walking in front of him. he ran a little so he could get next to him.

"hey kookie" he said as jungkook noticed him.

"hi hyung!" jungkook said, a smile on his face, as hoseok walked closer to him. hoseok looked around him, and when he saw that there wasn't anyone around, he put his hands on jungkook's waist, pulled him close to his body and kissed him on the lips.

they pulled apart and there was a clear blush on jungkook's face now.

"how was your day?" hoseok asked as they started to walk again.

"ehh, the usual.." jungkook said, flashing hoseok a smile.

"same." hoseok said. they started to head to their dorm.

"soo you're coming to the party tonight?" hoseok asked.

"what party?" jungkook asked.

"you don't know? the football team holds a party again."

"oh" jungkook sighed. "you're going?"

"well yeah."

"...okay i'm coming" jungkook said and hoseok giggled.

"yes! you're so cute!" hoseok cheered and tried to kiss jungkook on the cheek, jungkook pushing him away.

"stop!" jungkook said. he could feel a warmness taking over his face. hoseok gave him a playful smile.

the boys got to their dorm and chilled for a while. hoseok was on his phone and jungkook was sleeping. soon it was already 6pm, and they had to leave to the party soon.

"hyung, are you ready?" jungkook asked while sitting at the table in the kitchen.

"almost...i can't find my belt anywhere!" hoseok shouted and jungkook got up.

"i think i saw it somwhere...oh."

jungkook froze when he saw hoseok pulling the zipper of his jeans up. those jeans wore his legs so well. they were tight and gray, and there were a few tears on them.

"jungkook?" hoseok asked, snapping jungkook back to reality.

"i-i'm sorry" jungkook said, flustered. he saw hoseok's belt under a chair, and quickly took it, and gave it to hoseok.

"oh my god thank you jungkook!" hoseok said, and started to put it on.

"no problem.." he said, and turned around.


"shot! shot! shot!" was all jungkook could hear. literally that and hoseok's laughing. they were playing truth or dare at the party, and taehyung dared jungkook to drink four shots in row.

"oh my god i didn't think you could actually do it!" taehyung said as jungkook was done. jungkook just gave him a proud smile, while walking back to the circle where they were hanging, almost falling on the way there.

"haha oops!" he said and sat down. "now it's my turn to ask!" he said in a high pitched voice, while hoseok was cursing at himself, why is he being so damn cute.

jungkook looked at the boys with hawk's eyes. there were sitting 7 boys besides him; hoseok, taehyung, yoongi, jaebum, jinyoung, seokjin and namjoon. there were too many options, who could he choose?

"i choose yoongi hyung~" he said, looking at him innocently.

"okay" he let out a sigh, and thought for a moment. "dare."

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