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hoseok gave jungkook a glass of water and some aspirin. he had just woken up, and he sure looked like it. he needed to sit down while taking the pills, but when he had gulped it down, he crashed back down laying on his back.

"hyung, remind me to never drink again" jungkook said, squinting his eyes. hoseok left out a breathy laugh. jungkook rolled his eyes. "how can you be so energetic and normal?"

"because jungkook, i didn't drink so much" hoseok said while laying down on his own bed.

jungkook grunted while turning on his side. he looked at hoseok with a painful expression. he turned back to his back, stared at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"what are you thinking so deeply?" hoseok asked, staring at jungkook. jungkook snapped out of his thoughts, giving hoseok a 'huh' face, but then realizing what he had just said.

"oh...nothing much, i'm just trying to remember what happened yesterday" he said while rubbing his forehead with his thumbs.

"well, you were a little freaky" hoseok said, having now jungkook's full attention.

"oh my god, tell me now" jungkook commanded with wide eyes. what the fuck did i do.

hoseok chuckled. "nothing bad, but you were just eh kinda clingy and cocky. and you tried to kiss me in front of everyone. and actually you kissed me later when they couldn't see" hoseok explained, jungkook's face now red as a tomatoe.

"oh god, i'm so sorry hyung" he said, while shutting his eyes and trying to handle the embarrasment.

"it's okay kookie. the kissing part was quite nice though." a shy smile took over jungkook's face. they both were laying on their own beds, on their sides, staring at each other. jungkook felt so small under hoseok's gaze. it felt like hoseok could see every detail of him only just looking at him.

and hoseok sure felt like it too. he could see so much in his eyes. those glowy chocolate eyes. only by just looking at those eyes, he could see how bright and beautiful the boy essentially is.

"jungkook, have i told you how beautiful you are?"

"oh my god" jungkook said and turned around, putting his hands on his face. "stop it or my heart is going to give up on me" jungkook said, making hoseok chuckle.

"i think you will end up in hospital then because i'm not going to stop" hoseok said with a smile on his face.

"okay it was nice meeting you then" jungkook said, sitting up. he checked the time, and it was already 2pm. how did he sleep so late again?

"oh by the way, taehyung and yoongi invited us to go out to this one cafe with them, you wanna come?" hoseok asked.

jungkook grunted, falling back on his back. "i'm so tired~" he whined, pulling the blanket on top of him. hoseok got up from his bed and went to pull the blanket away. jungkook tried to pull it back but failed. hoseok threw the blanket away, and got on top of jungkook.

"hyung!" jungkook grunted, hoseok just laughing. he started to give little kisses to jungkook's face. on his cheeks, on his forehead, chin, and finally on his lips. jungkook was now left giggling at hoseok's little kisses.

"please come?" hoseok said with a cute pout on his face.

"fine~" jungkook said, hoseok now cheering. "okay you need to get up then, we're leaving in an hour" he said, getting away from the boy. he gave jungkook his hand and pulled him up after him.

"luckily the pills have started to effect already, either i'd be dead" jungkook said while stretching.

"well i'm glad because i don't want you to die yet."

"yet?" jungkook asked laughing.

"oh baby" he said, giving jungkook a kiss before leaving to the bathroom.

jungkook was left standing alone next to his bed, confused. baby? he could feel his heart racing at that small little word. it made his emotions roll so fast, what the fuck is this boy doing to me?

jungkook started to get ready. he went to the shower, brushed his teeth, and put some clean clothes on. in an hour they both were ready, and they left the dorm. they walked the usual long stairs down, and got outside. they already saw taehyung and yoongi waiting at them at the gates. they walked to them.

"hey hyung! hey jungkookie" taehyung said, happy to see them.

"morning hyung" jungkook said, hands on his pockets, smiling.

"did you have to wait long?" hoseok asked as the four of them started to walk to the cafe.

"nah, we just got here before you" yoongi said with a low, raspy voice, looking tired.

"had a rough morning?"


soon the boys were in the city, in front of the cafe they were going to. hoseok opened the door and kept it open for the others to go inside first.

"thanks, hyung" jungkook said.

"no worries" hoseok said, now following the boys.

jungkook was amazed by the cafe. the smell had hit his nose right when he had stepped in. it smelled so nice, so warm. the colours were amazing. there were mostly blue and brown, but it fit so well. so many cute chairs and tables, with litted pretty candles on them.

"wow, it's so pretty here" jungkook said, looking around him.

"i know" taehyung said. "this is like my favorite cafe ever, and that's our usual table" he said and pointed a small table at the back of the cafe. they all sat down, taking their jackets off. hoseok and jungkook went to the counter to order, and soon a waiter brought their order to the table.

the boys were drinking their coffees, and chit chatting about random stuff. they had fun, and jungkook felt so relaxed around the boys. he couldn't believe how much his life had changed in just so small time. he felt happy again in a long time.

"so actually, we had something that we wanted to talk about with you guys" yoongi suddenly said, getting hoseok's and jungkook's full attention.

"oh, are you okay?" hoseok asked, putting his second cup of coffee down.

"yeah we're okay. we just wanted to talk about one thing, i mean, actually tell you something" yoongi said, jungkook and hoseok listening to him, quietly. hoseok felt nervous. yoongi is almost never this serious about something. what can it be?

"so, do you want to tell or...?" yoongi asked taehyung, looking hesitant.

"um" taehyung said. he didn't know how to say it. he looked at yoongi, and then took his hand. they put their hands on the table, fingers interwined. hoseok looked at their hands confused, while it hit jungkook what they were about to say.

"so, me and taehyung are dating" yoongi spat out. hoseok's eyes widened. he looked at taehyung, then at yoongi, back to taehyung, then to yoongi.



some taegi for you, i hope you don't mind! thanks for reading, i'm still so insecure about my writing and i don't get it how some of you still want to read this ksjskjsk ;( <3 i'd appreciate it if you left a vote!

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