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it had been a while after the kiss. they still haven't talked about it. jungkook had realized that each day his feelings towards hoseok are getting stronger. he just can't tell hoseok yet.

"hello beautiful people~" jaebum greeted as he sat down on the same table as jinyoung, hoseok and jungkook. they were in the school cafeteria, eating lunch.

"hi hyung!" jungkook said and smiled at him. he has gotten closer to hoseok's friends, and he likes it.

"hi babe" jinyoung said and pecked jaebum's lips. oh how jungkook wished that it was him and hoseok instead of them

"where's yoongi and taehyung?" jaebum asked.

"i don't know" hoseok said as he looked down at his food. jungkook noticed that hoseok wasn't on his best mood.

"oh, okay" jaebum said and focused back on jinyoung, especially on jinyoung's lips.

"hoseok?" jungkook said.

"hm?" hoseok looked up at jungkook, and his face softened immediatly when he saw jungkook's smile.

"are you okay?" jungkook asked and hoseok could see the worrying on his face.

"yeah, i'm fine. i guess i just have a lot on my mind."

"do you want to talk about it?"

hoseok thought about it for a moment. "actually i do" hoseok said and took jungkook's hand. "we're done eating. see you tomorrow" hoseok said to jinyoung and jaebum and started to lead jungkook somewhere.

jungkook was happy that hoseok wanted to talk with him, but he was nervous. what if someone has died? what if someone is dying? what if hoseok is dying?

jungkook shaked his head as he realized he was overthinking. hoseok pulled jungkook with him to a small aisle and checked that there wasn't anyone. jungkook's face started heating up as he waited for hoseok to say something.

"so..." hoseok started. "this one thing has been on my mind a lot lately, if i'm being honest" hoseok said. he glanced away from jungkook, too nervous to look him in the eyes.

damn, man up hoseok!

"what is it?" jungkook asked, taking a grip of hoseok's hand.

hoseok took a deep breathe. "how can i say this uh..." hoseok stratched his neck. "um... how can you tell someone you like them?" hoseok asked, and finally looked jungkook in the eyes. jungkook looked at hoseok blankly. he let go of hoseok's hand.

how could he be so dumb? of course hoseok liked someone else. why did he even think about having a chance with him?

"i don't know, hyung" jungkook said and glanced away. "i... i need to go" jungkook turned around and started to rush down the aisle.

"jungkook wait!" hoseok shouted but jungkook didn't listen. jungkook could feel the familiar tears form in his eyes. why is he crying over a boy again? why? jungkook had told himself not to fall for anyone again, but here he is, crying over a fucking boy.

jungkook rushed into the closest bathroom, and stopped when he saw what was happening. taehyung and yoongi were making out against the bathroom's wall, and seperated quickly when they saw jungkook come in.

they looked at jungkook in shock, a blush on both of their faces, their lips swollen. "j-jungkook please uh-" yoongi started but jungkook cut him off.

"i'm sorry" jungkook said and left the bathroom as fast as he had gotten in there. jungkook went to the next bathroom he found, and luckily anyone wasn't in there. jungkook threw his bag on the floor and went to face himself in the mirror. he watched the tears falling from his eyes. he looked so weak, so ugly.

jungkook took a grip of his cheek. why did he even think that someone would like him ever again? he is ugly. he is stupid. no one wants him.

jungkook fell on the floor, sitting against the wall. he buried his face in his hands. how pitiful must he look right now.

after a moment he took his phone out and checked the time. crap, his class has already started. it was his last class, and hoseok would be there. he kind of didn't want to see him right now.

jungkook stood up and wiped the tears away from his eyes. he had to be stronger than this. he's not going to cry over a stupid boy he likes. jungkook took his bag, and put a fake smile on his face when he left the bathroom, heading to class.

he opened the door to his class, saying nothing as he walked in. he looked for an empty seat, and of course, the only empty seat was next to hoseok. jungkook decided to be strong, and sat next to him.

"why are you late, mr. jeon?" the teacher asked him.

"for no reason" jungkook mumbled. the teacher started to preach about being late to the class again.

jungkook could feel hoseok staring at him. he wanted to just watch him in the eyes, let go of what happened, and just be with him, feel the warm feeling inside of him again when being close to hoseok. but he couldn't.

"jungkook" hoseok whispered. "i want to explain myself" hoseok said and jungkook didn't look at him. he didn't say anything, just decided to ignore him.

"you didn't get what i was trying to tell you" hoseok said and then jungkook finally looked at him, straight in the eyes. "i think that i have a pretty good idea what you were talking about" jungkook said and then focused back on the teacher.


sorry this is not proof-read

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