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jungkook looked at himself in the mirror. you can do it, you can do it he repeated to himself.

today's the day when jungkook is leaving for college. he's going to live in the campus from now on. don't get me wrong, he is excited, but at the same time he is terrified. the college is in seoul. he's going to leave busan, and leave all his friends behind. of course he is going to visit them, but he's still sad that he can't see them in a long time. he doesn't know anyone from the new school.

"jungkook, it's time to leave!" his mom shouted from downstairs.

"i'm coming!" jungkook shouted. he took a quick look in the mirror again, and ruffled his brown hair. he took his suitcase, and went downstairs.

jungkook put on his favorite shoes. they were black vans old school's. basic, huh? but he loved them.

they left with his mom to the railway station. in the way there, his mom told him everything he needs to know about seoul. of course jungkook already knew this, but his mom was very worried and wanted to take care of him.

"mom, i'm gonna be fine" jungkook said.

"i know honey, i'm just so worried" his mom said and gave him a slightly sad smile.

"i know." jungkook said and smiled at his mom.

they arrived together to the station. jungkook told his mom that he can go to the train by himself, but his mom insisted to go with him. what is he gonna do, say no?

they found the right rail. rail 3, heading to seoul in 5 minutes.

"are you sure you're going to be fine?" jungkook's mom asked with a worried expression.

"mom yes, i'm going to be fine, i promise" jungkook said and hugged his mom.

jungkook saw the train in the distance. it came closer and closer, and then it stopped in front of him.

"i love you jungkookie" his mom said.

"i love you too mom."

jungkook got in the train, and waved at his mom. his mom waved back and they smiled at each other. the doors closed, and jungkook went to find his seat. after walking a bit in the train, he found his seat. he lifted his suitcase and put it on the stand on top of his seat. he sat on his seat and took off his jacket. there wasn't anyone else sitting next to him, and he was glad. he could sit in peace.

jungkook put his earphones on. he opened his spotify, and started listening to epik high - munbae-dong.

he watched outside the window. the train started moving. the sun was shining and it hit the trees' warm colours beautifully. the wind was swaying their leafs. the sky was bright blue, there was no clouds to be seen.

"bye busan" jungkook whispered.

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