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jungkook came out of his last class. his monday's last class was music. he loves music, but he was so tired after his first day back to studying.

he walked down the aisle which once were full with people, but now it was empty.

jungkook got his phone out of his pocket. damn, he was hungry.

hey hyung, where are you?

jungkook's steps were loud in the quiet hallway. he turned left, and was met with a familiar face. jungkook jumped with wide eyes, and the other one started laughing.

"i'm right here" hoseok said and smirked.

"hyung you need to stop scaring me like that or i'm maybe going to die" jungkook said and hoseok just ignored the comment.

"so why did you wanted to see me?" hoseok asked.

"i was just wondering that would you like to go grab something to eat with me? i'm so hungry~" jungkook whined.

"i'm hungry as fuck, so yeah of course. do you like sushi?"

"no" jungkook said. "i LOVE sushi" jungkook groaned in satisfaction.

"let's go then, i know this one great place" hoseok said.


"I'M SO FULL" jungkook almost shouted in pain.

"i told you not to eat that much!" hoseok said.

"but damn that salmon sushi was good~" jungkook said as he closed his eyes.

"ok jungkook we're leaving now."

"nooooo i can't leave my sushi friends!" jungkook said and hoseok laughed at his childish behaviour.

"come on now, do i need to lift you again?" hoseok said and jungkook pouted at hoseok.

"yes please i can't get up after eating all of that" jungkook said and watched his empty plate. hoseok took jungkook's hands and pulled him up next to him.

"let me get my wallet to pay you back" jungkook said as he started to search through his pack.

"please jungkook, it's on me. you can pay next time" hoseok said and winked at the younger.

jungkook felt a blush creeping up his cheeks. why was he acting like this around hoseok? he didn't answer anything, he just smiled shyly.

jungkook and hoseok started walking back to their dorm, but the weather was just too nice, so they decided to stay outside a little longer.

jungkook noticed a very beautiful spot. his eyes were glowing watching it.

"let's go there" jungkook pointed at the spot and hoseok nodded.

there was a pile of leafs. there were so many different colours in one pile. orange, green, brown, yellow, red. jungkook loved it.

"i want you to lay in it" jungkook said and smirked at hoseok.

"seriously?" hoseok said and gave jungkook a pout. jungkook rolled his eyes and pushed hoseok on top of the pile.

"hey!" hoseok shouted and jungkook couldn't help but laugh.

"sorry hyung."

jungkook took his camera from his pack, and put it in his hands.

"are you going to take a pic of me?" hoseok asked and started doing silly faces.

"yes" jungkook said and watched hoseok through the lens.

"just close ur eyes, and relax" jungkook said and gave hoseok a soft smile.

hoseok did as he was told, and closed his eyes. the wind was blowing hoseok's hair beautifully, and a few leafs got stuck in his hair. he looked so pretty. so peaceful, so innocent. jungkook snapped a picture and couldn't stop admiring hoseok.

"wow, you're literally so beautiful" jungkook spitted out. hoseok opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow at jungkook while smirking.

jungkook realized what he had said, and tried to make something to cover it up. he didn't come up with anything.

"stop, can't i compliment you?" jungkook asked the older and he smiled.

"of course you can, jungkookie" hoseok said and started to laugh. jungkook rolled his eyes and quickly took another pic of hoseok laughing.

after their little photoshoot, they got back to the dorm.

hoseok informed that he's going to take a shower, and jungkook went to chill on his bed, and took his phone out.

he started to scroll instagram. after a while he became bored, and got an idea to look for hoseok's instagram.

jungkook wrote jung hoseok, and there came a few accounts. on the top was an account named "hobihope", and jungkook checked it. his eyes lit up when he realized that it was hoseok's account.

hoseok had 745 followers, and he had a few pics. jungkook stalked his account and was careful not to accidentally like any of the pictures.

"so cute" jungkook mumbled under his breathe.

right after that the bathroom door opened. hoseok walked out of the bathroom, only a towel around his waist.

hoseok's hair was wet, and his raven locks were dripping off water. his chest was full of waterdrops, and his skin was glowing.



"i asked you that have you seen my phone charger?"

"oh, no i haven't" jungkook said and hoseok left to the kitchen looking for it.

jungkook swore he could feel his heart beating in his chest.


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