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jungkook was moving slightly in his bed. he had just woken up, and with his sleepy eyes he checked the time. it was 10.12am. he looked at hoseok's bed and noticed that he wasn't in there. he guessed that he already left to class. that is until, he felt something warm on his back.

jungkook almost had a heart attack when he turned around. he saw a sleeping hoseok on his bed, his arms wrapped around jungkook's waist. jungkook stared at the elder with wide eyes, his heart beating rapidly. he could feel his ears turning red, as he rememberd last night.

jungkook decided to lay back down next to hoseok. he was now turned the other way, staring at the sleeping boy. his raven locks falling on his face softly. his eyelashes were so long and pretty. his lips, the light pink tint on them, looked so kissable.

so jungkook did that. he leaned closer to hoseok's face, and carefully put his lips on hoseok's.

"more" hoseok suddenly said as jungkook pulled away, scaring jungkook.

"stop scaring me like that!" jungkook said, embarrassed. hoseok let out a small chuckle, opening his eyes.

"but i really meant it, more" hoseok said. jungkook felt so shy with hoseok. but he still did it, connected their lips again.

"good morning" hoseok said as they finally pulled apart.

"morning" jungkook said quietly, flashing a smile at hoseok. after a while they both got up and started to make some breakfast together.

"you're glad i have only two classes today, so my consequences aren't that big" hoseok said.

"i'm sorryyyy" jungkook whined. "just say that you're sick!"

"yeah" hoseok said as he sat down next to jungkook at the table.

after a while, hoseok decided to try to ask jungkook about what had been on his mind.

"jungkook, what happened last night?" hoseok asked jungkook, looking at him straight in the eyes. jungkook moved his gaze towards his plate, when he realized what hoseok were talking about.

"it's nothing, hyung."

"it cleraly isn't nothing when you're crying your eyes out about it in the middle of the night?" hoseok said in a more serious voice. jungkook didn't say anything.

hoseok sighed. "you don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable about it, but it's cleraly something that's on your mind. i'm here, jungkook. you can talk to me" hoseok said to him in a calming voice.

"i- uh..." jungkook began. "i had a bad dream which bringed back some memories" jungkook explained carefully.

"back in busan, i had a boyfriend. jimin." hoseok's eyes widened. he recognized the name. he heard jungkook say it last night. "i was so in love with him, that the love blinded me." jungkook took a big sigh. "he cheated on me."

"that's horrible" hoseok said, his voice full of empathy.

"yeah. but that's not all of it" jungkook said. hoseok's eyes filled with confusion, as jungkook stood up. jungkook took his shirt off, and then showed hoseok his ribs. at first hoseok didn't notice anything, but when he looked closely, he saw a few small scars on his stomach.

"after i found at that he cheated on me, i broke up with him." jungkook explained. "but he didn't leave me alone...he... he beat me!" jungkook said, blood starting to rush on his head. hoseok stood up, and hugged jungkook again. tears started to roll down jungkook's cheeks, as he hugged hoseok back.

"hyung... i loved him, but he just used me, used me f-for his needs" jungkook sobbed on hoseok's shoulder. hoseok's shirt was beginning to get wet again. "he hit me a few times, but then left me alone and left with another guy.."

hoseok's heart hurt. why would someone do like this to him? he didn't understand it. he's way too young for something like this.

after jungkook had calmed down again, they pulled away from each other and sat down.

"has he been in contact with you after that?" hoseok asked.

"n-no. we broke up 8 months ago, and after the hitting thing, i haven't heard much about him. i saw him on the school hallways, but gladly we didn't share any classes" jungkook explained, sniffling.

hoseok was silent for a moment. "i just don't understand, why would someone hurt such a precious person like you?" hoseok said, making jungkook's heart flutter a little.

"jungkook, you're so beautiful. i don't want you to ever think otherwise, ever."

there it was again. the warm feeling inside of jungkook. which made him feel like he was safe. he had noticed that he felt like this only around hoseok. it made him feel special.

"hyung, thank you" jungkook whispered.

"you're welcome" hoseok said. "now eat up, you must be hungry?"

jungkook nodded, and flashed hoseok a smile.


lol i'm so sorry this is so bAd dnejksksk or i'm just too hard on myself but i just- i don't know

and sorry i'm having a some kind of writer's block i guess ? so there's not maybe going to be much updates! (like anyone would want them anyways)

and pls vote uwu💖💖

also i'm sorry for making jimin the bad guy agkjsk nooo i love him :(

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