Officially Offended

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(Authors Note: Hello! I've been working on this for quite a while. I didn't post it because I have a lot of unfinished stories and I didn't want to add another one to the list. I will post these chapters every couple days. I'm at the very end and almost finished and that's why I'm posting it now.

This is another thing where I can't find any finished ones. There aren't a lot of swan princess AU's in general but finished ones are impossible to find. So, here you are. I hope you all enjoy!

PS: This was written before we were introduced to Keith's mom Krolia. Lady Nexera just fit so I didn't change it. This was written like, two or three seasons ago.)

My name is Lance. I'm the only altean prince. I have and older sister named Allura and a younger sister named Anora. I'm 18. Allura is 22 and Anora is 16. When I was seven my father Alfor organized a marriage with Lady Nexera's son Keith. She was of the royal galra court and marrying us would combine our kingdoms in peace. We first met when I was eight and he was nine. We immediately hated each other. He was quiet and self kept. I thought he was boring and despised being with him for the rest of my life until death do us part. He made sure to comment that I was an obnoxious talkative person. He'd stay in to read or practice fighting while i'd go out to play with my friends Hunk and Pidge. Hunk's balmeran and Pidge is altean. We're still friends till today. Anyways, the next time we met I was 13 and he was 14. He did the same things but practiced more and I went out with my friends and hung out with girls. Now i'm 18 which would make him 19. I'm currently waiting in the throne room. We're supposed to meet in the ballroom. Our castles servants are setting it up right now so none of us are allowed in there. I prop my chin on my hand and let out a sigh. It's gonna be another long moon cycle. I hear the door open and my sister Anora walks in smiling.

"Hey Lance."

I nod at her.


She sits in her throne next to me and tilts her head.

"Are you excited?"

I let out a cruel laugh.

"Yeah. It's gonna be so fun having to deal with him again."

She places her hand on my arm and grins at me.

"Do you even remember how he was like? What if he's changed?"

"I doubt it."

She frowns at me.

"Lance, I feel like there's something else."

"What do you mean?"

I look at her and her blueish/purple eyes lock onto my blue ones.

"Knew it. You're worried about what he'll think of you."

I straighten and my eyes widen shocked.

"What? No."

"Yes. Somewhere in your mind you were worried about it. Lance I know you. I'm your sister. I know when things bother you. Lately you've been cautious about how people think about you."

She's right. I have been thinking about that a lot. I slump in my seat but sit up properly again remembering the rules of a royal that I always seem to fail at. She gives me a stern and knowing look.

"See. You just did it. You were worried about how you'd be seen so you fixed it."

"I'm just trying to act regal. As royalty I should at least try. You and Allura do it."

"That's because we naturally caught onto it and it's who we are."

"And who am I?"

"You're Prince Lance. The only son of King Alfor. You don't care what others think, you're flirtatious, wild, and fun to be around. You're also a really good leader even though you doubt yourself. You just have to ignore people like you did before. Act like how you usually do."

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