Till Death Do Us Part

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 I stop in a clearing and dismount Dancer. He paws at the ground but doesn't go to move. I stand and wait until there's a sudden rustle. Out of the tree's comes Lotor. He's smiling and stops a few feet away with his hand on his hip.

"I heard you were looking for me. What? Come to say you love me?"

I snort and shake my head.

"You wish. What'd you do with Keith? He has no part of what you want."

"Actually, he does. You."


"Yes you. He has you. It's you that I want but he took you from me."

"How in the world did he take me? The wedding is off."

"Just because the wedding is off doesn't mean anything. It means there was a problem."

"A problem?"

"Don't try denying that you don't have feelings for him."

"I know I have feelings for him. That's why I came to talk to you."

"Ah, yes. Now why do you think I took him?"

"I don't know! That's what I'm asking!"

"His feelings are in my way. You both love each other and I don't like that. You see, I need you to love me."

"What did you do to him."

"Oh don't worry. I won't kill him. He already knows I won't be the one to do that."


"Don't worry about it. You won't find him. Just know that I won't be the one to kill him. You will."

Then like that he was gone. Leaving me staring confused after him. He won't kill Keith. But, I will? I would never kill Keith. What is he planning? I got back on Dancer and raced back towards the castle. When I arrived I left Dancer to a stable hand and raced inside. Everyone greeted me with relieved faces except for the guard.


Anora ran into my arms with tears in her eyes.

"Allura told me what you were going to do! I thought you were gonna leave forever! I thought he was gonna take you!"

I patted her on the head and pulled her back to look at her face.

"I'm sorry to scare you."

I looked up and saw my father smiling but his eyes told me he wanted to talk.

"Anora, I'm gonna go talk to dad real quick. Okay?"

She nodded.


She let go and I walked over to my dad. He nodded at me and we turned away. I motioned for the guard to follow us but didn't look back to see if he did. We made it to the meeting room and when we were in my father closed the door. The guard was watching me carefully and I waited until my father turned to me.

"What happend?"

"I met with Lotor. He wants me."

"What does this have to do with finding Keith?"

The guard spoke and my father shot him a warning glance.

"Lotor said Keith was in the way. That because of Keith I wouldn't love him. Which doesn't matter because I would never love Lotor."

"Did you find out what happend to Keith?"

"He said that i'd never find him. He also said he wouldn't kill Keith."

The guard let out a relieved sigh.


I looked up at them both.

"He said I would."

The guard looked at me confused.


"Lotor said he wouldn't kill Keith but that I would."


"I don't know!"

I threw my hands up.

"I would never kill Keith! I have no idea!"

"Calm down. I know you wouldn't. Lotor knows something that we don't. You'll have to be careful with what you do. Anything could trigger it."

I feel someone's eyes on me and look over at the guard. He glaring sternly at me.

"Oh my god, what!"

"I'm sorry your majesty but it's my job to protect Keith and if you do anything to him I will be forced to follow through with my orders. This will cause the war to rage on. If the marriage didn't work we were supposed to come back. Now that Lady Nexeras son is missing on your land Zarkon will not hold back. I've already gotten the message that there will be a week before we attack. Only if he's not back by then of course."

"What's your name?"

The guard looks at me shocked.

"Excuse me?"

"I asked what your name was."

"Uh, Shiro your majesty."

"Well, Shiro. You can tell your little galra friends over there that I will not stop at anything to get him back and that it was Zarkons stupid son who did this. Got that?"


"Good. Now I'm going to go practice archery. If I'm going to get Keith back i'll need to fight Lotor."

"Thank you for not giving yourself over Lance."

My dad patted me on the shoulder and I moved away.

"I need to practice."

I left the room and headed towards the training room. There I grabbed my bow and a few arrows. I aligned the arrow along the bow and released. It hit straight on the point. I was known as the best altean archer. Nobody could hit as true as me. I liked to call myself the sharpshooter but rarely anyone calls me that. As I pull another arrow out and align it someone comes in. I glance over and release the arrow. It lands exactly in the same spot as the other one. Cutting through it until it reached the target. Hunk claps and I can see Pidge roll her eyes.

"Way to go. Sharpshooter Lance."

I do a small bow as they come to a stop in front of me.

"You know it."

I stand back up and flash them a smile.

"So, what happend. His guard looks really pissed off."

"If I don't get Keith back in a week the war won't end. It'll get worse. More violent."

"Is that even possible?"

"Well, because we were growing up it hasn't been that bad. Because of the wedding treaty. That's the only reason the fighting was put on hold. To see if it would end."


"I did meet up with Lotor. He said he wouldn't kill Keith but that I would."

Pidge's face goes from bored to confused.

"What? But you would never kill Keith."

"I know. It's why i'm confused."

"The only touching you'll be doing is-"

"Pidge! No!"

Hunk slapped his hand over Pidges mouth and she burst out into evil laughter.

"I'm going to act like you didn't just try to say that and go back to practice."

"Can I join you?"

I smile at Hunk and nod.

"Of course. Just leave the luggage outside and we can begin."

Hunk nodded and threw Pidge over his shoulder. He carried her out the door where he dropped her and waved before strolling back in. We began training to the sound of Pidge screaming insults.

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