A Not So Special Guest

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"Who are we waiting for?"

Hunk whispers.

"A surprise is a surprise buddy."

"If you're giving yourself to Lotor in front of the entire kingdom I swear I will-"

I glance at him and smirk.

"You don't have a mean bone in your body."

"I'll cry. I'll be very upset and cry."

"You wound me. But don't worry. I would never give myself to him."

"You would."


"If it came down to it you would. You have options but if those are gone you'd give yourself over. For your family and for Keith. You love the kingdom and it would solve everything."

"That's oddly specific."

"I've been worrying."

"You don't say."

I nudge him with my shoulder.

"Everything will be okay."

He sighs.


Suddenly there's a gasp from the crowd. At the noise people perk up. The crowd separates and Keith walks through. He's wearing darker clothes than I remember but the necklace with the paladin pendent shows clearly on his collarbone. When Hunk sees him he gasps.

"Oh my god."

He looks at me, eye's wide.

"You found him?"

I nod.


"I'll tell you later. I have something I need to do."

Allura's Perspective-

The second he walked in I could feel it. When I saw him I knew. That was not Keith. That was not the boy I had seen grow up with my brother. It was just wrong. Everything about it was wrong. But I didn't understand why. Had he tricked my brother? Or had my brother actually found Keith? One thing was for sure. Something horrible was going to happen tonight. I'm just not sure what. He walked with such purpose. Like it was his kingdom and he could do whatever he wanted. Nobody else seemed to realize something was wrong. Everyone was left in a state of shock at the recovery of Keith. I had to tell Lance.

"Allura, is that who I think it is?"


I looked over to my side to see my little sister Anora. She's playing with a lock of her white hair and looking at Lotor. She looked concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"That doesn't look like Keith."

"It doesn't?"

She shakes her head.

"He's to formal. I've seen Keith before. He slouches and trips a lot. Plus those clothes are too dark, even for him."

"I feel the same."

She looks up at me.

"Who is it then?"


I can feel her tense beside me.

"Then what happend to Keith?"

"I'm not sure. Can you be quiet about this Anora?"

"Sure. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to talk to Lance."

Before I can step away said person calls out to everyone.

"Excuse me! Hello everyone!"

Once he has everyone's attention he smiles.

"Sorry about the last minute ball but I have an announcement to make."

I watch in frustration as Lotor takes place beside him. I glare at him and I notice his gaze shifts to a window. I follow once I see the look that crosses his face. I look just in time to catch sight of a flash of blue go hurtling past the window. I look back at him and he's watching the window. I slowly look back and I see a swan. It takes me by surprise at first.

"What the hell?"

I whisper under my breath. But when I see the look on Lotor's face I know it means something. Whenever Lance moves in that direction Lotor makes sure to step into his way. I look at the bird again. It's black with beautiful feathers. I can see a flash of red and with the colors together I'm hit with realization. A curse. I look quickly back to Lotor and he's glaring. The swan is Keith. I quickly race forwards towards Lance and Lotor but before I can make it there Lance speaks three words filled with so much meaning to the wrong person. They ring in my head painfully. "I. Love. Him.".


I shout. I look towards the window and find that Keith is gone. A loud noise brings my attention back to Lance and Lotor. Wind is swirling around them and when it fades Lotor is back to normal. He's standing with Lance's hand gripped in his own. Lance is looking at him in shock and the crowd is silent.

"You heard the prince!"

Lotor shouts.

"Love can't be broken!"

He grins at Lance. My brother looks totally lost before he seems to realize his mistake.

"No... no no no."

He looks up before glaring at Lotor. He rips his hand from Lotors and with a quick motion yanks the necklace from around his neck. He doesn't give Lotor anytime to react before he's running out of the ballroom. Everyone watches in shock as things unfold.

"What the fuck just happend?"

A familiar voice says from the back. I turn to see Pidge staring at the ballroom confused. Nobody answers. The room is silent.

The Turned Prince (Swan Princess AU)Where stories live. Discover now