Are The Mice Stalkers?

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 When I wake up I'm a swan again. I get up from under the tree and make my way back to where the mice were. When I get there the mice are nowhere to be found but there is a pile of berries. I eat them and walk to the edge of the clearing. I should probably explore where I am. Best to get an idea of what's going on around me. I haven't tried flying yet but it can't be that hard. Right? I go to the edge of the pond and wait. Should I go into the water and then fly out? Or can I just fly? I decide to just try and fly on land. It takes me a while but eventually I get the hang of it. Soon the mice come back and cheer me on. After about an hour or two I'm ready to explore.

"Do you guys want to come with me?"

Two of them immediately step back.

"No thank you."

"Definitely not."

"You guys are such babies."

The smaller one says defiantly.

"Can you guys not fight so we can go? I want to explore before it gets dark. We have to be back before sunset."

"You think he'll be out looking?"

The second one coming with me asks.

"Why would he? I made it clear I didn't want anything to do with him."

"He's Prince Lance. He doesn't listen to anybody."

"Do you guys creep on the royal family?"

"No. We help Princess Allura with her hair, Coran with technicalities, we have tea with Princess Anora, and then Prince Lance tells us about all his problems. King Alfor always smiles at us and gives us food."

"So you guys aren't creepers?"

"No. We're friends."

"Good. For a second I thought I was surrounded by weirdos."

The mouse sighs and rolls it's eyes.

"Let's go."

The Turned Prince (Swan Princess AU)Where stories live. Discover now