Let's Fight

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Shiro's Perspective

"What's going on?!"

Allura turns to me with a scowl.

"Lotor happend. It was all a trick."

"Where's Lance?"

"Gone. He went after them."

"I was outside. I think my brother was cursed. One second there was a swan and the next it was him."

"Is he still there?"

"No. His space wolf Kosmo teleported them somewhere."

Suddenly the entire castle shakes as five mighty roars rip through the air.

"The lions!"

A smile breaks out across Allura's face.

"They're calling for their paladins."


"Okay Blue."

I say while sitting down.

"We haven't worked together but I'm willing to try if you are."

She lets out a low growl.

-There's more of them.-

I look up to see that there are in fact more of them.

"Three ships. They look similar."

-They're made out of the same thing we lions are.-


-I'm not sure.-

There's a loud rumble and I look in the direction of it.

"More of them?"


She replies.

-More of us.-

I watch as the other four lions come towards us. My eyes are quickly drawn to Red.


-Did you really think Red would sit by and watch when her paladins life is in danger?-


A low rumbling sounds before all the lions are next to me.

"Lance, what's going on?!"

Pidge shouts through the intercom.

"We're going to fight Lotor."

"What're we doing?"

"I know it's not the best but we have no other choice. We need to kill him. Once we do his magic will be gone. We have to act fast or it'll be too late to save Keith."

"Where is he?"

"Kosmo's got him."

Shiro fills in.


"Let's do this!"

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