A Lover I Will Always Remember

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We race forwards as Lotor and his other two ships line up to face us. Before any of us can react Red is shooting forwards quicker. She does a quick dodging movement before slamming into one of the side ships. They go down in a heap of growls.

"Do we do that to?"

Hunk asks worriedly.

"That seems a little dangerous."

"Lotor is in the middle ship. Just do whatever you have to to make sure the others don't get in the way."

"Got it."

Pidge says before darting forwards.

"Shiro, Lotor is our goal. We need to get to him and take him out. No matter what."

"I'm with you."

Shiro moves ahead of me and I wait.

-Everything will be fine. If you need help I'll be here.-

"I know."

I sigh.

"I'm just..."

-He's not gone yet. You have time.-

"Okay. Let's go."

We move and Blue picks up pace as we run at the ship. Off to my side the green lion circles the other ship and the yellow lion grabs it. I look back forwards as Shiro stops. Black lets out a mighty roar and Shiro speaks up.

"Why are you doing this Lotor? What's the point?"

"The point is obvious black paladin. I want my prince. I couldn't possibly do anything if he loves someone else."

"He'll always love Keith."

Shiro begs.

"Nothing you do will stop that."

The pain behind his words is surprisingly strong.

"It doesn't matter if he's dead or alive."

Lotor scoffs.

"You don't know anything."

Shiro's face appears on one of my screens and he ushers me to move.

"I do."

He says to Lotor. I get out of my seat when Blue speaks.

-Your bayard. It's here.-

I find it and quickly go back to my seat.

-Just wait.-

"I lost someone so incredibly important to me but I still haven't lost the feelings I have for him. He may not be here in person but I'll always remember him and what he taught me."

"I don't like when people lie to me."

"Adam Wright."

Shiro says the name fondly.

"My partner through everything. He was the one to teach me how to love. I lost everything and he helped me find a happiness in between. He was the person that leveled me out. We were planning our future together."

Lotor's quiet on the other end so Shiro continues.

"I bought a ring. I was going to propose to him. He was everything I needed in life and I loved him more than anything."

"Did he love someone else."

Lotor deadpans.

"No. He died."

Shiro's voice is steady as he says the truth.

"He went on a mission and they were shot down. Everybody died. After that I came here."

He explains without giving away he knows Keith.

"I became part of this world and left my past behind."


Blue orders. I grab my bayard and once I see the glowing spot I slam my bayard into it a turn. There's a quiet rumble as things shift and click before a large target opens up in front of me.

-It's a crossbow. Aim and fire sharpshooter.-

(Authors Note: Because I started this so long ago I decided to add Adam. Because now we know about him. I feel for Shiro... *CRIES*)

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