A Better Escape Mechanism

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Before I can turn towards the voice I'm literally run over by a small figure in a green dress.


She pulls back grinning.

"What up loser."

Hunk walks in behind her shaking his head.

"Sorry dude. She's fast."

"It's fine."

I brush myself off and stand.

"Hey! Why are you guys having a party? Did something happen?"

Pidge fires off questions and I cover her mouth to quiet her.

"It's a surprise. You'll have to wait."

Her eyes turn challenging and I pull my hand back before she can lick it.

"Don't you dare. You'll have to be patient like everyone else."

She frowns.

"You're no fun."

"For your information, I'm plenty fun. This is just a surprise."

"I hate surprises."

"Then this must suck for you."

I pat her lightly on the head and turn to find my father.


"Oh my- Can you guys just do it already!"

The mice squeak angrily at me.

"We don't swim!"

"And I'm not a freaking bird! But look where we are!"

After I shout the lake suddenly becomes very quiet. The mice have gone still and they're not making any noise.

"Guys? What's wrong?"

There's no response from them and instead a low growl comes from the bushes. I freeze. There's an animal out there. Now I find myself thinking that being stranded in the middle of a lake has its perks. There's a rustle from some bushes when suddenly a flurry of movement launches out. The thing comes to a stop and looks around with it's nose in the air. I instantly recognize the shape and patterns of the animal.


At the sound of my voice the big wolf looks out towards the lake. When he sees me he barks happily and his tail starts wagging. Even when I'm a bird he recognizes me. I quickly call out to him again.

"Good boy Kosmo! Come here!"

He starts in my direction then stops when he reaches the edge of the water. Realization hits me. Kosmo hates water. The blue wolf looks down at the water then back up at me as if to ask why in Voltron's name I was in the middle of a lake. I groan and have the urge to bang my head on one of these stupid vines. I'm never going to get out of here. I look back out towards land to see Kosmo backing up. Once he deems it far enough he looks forward and crouches down. It's not hard to tell what he's going to do when you've known him as long as I have. The big baby of a wolf is going to teleport to me. His size alone should take up most of the cage. Quiznack.

"Kosmo, NO!"

He takes a running start and launches himself through the air. Mid way he disappears and I brace myself for impact. He reappears, causing the cage to shudder. Instead of inside it he's on top of it. I open my eyes and look up. He's perched on the splintering cage and is looking down at me happily like he's the smartest wolf ever. I shake my head and sigh.

"What am I going to do with you."

He doesn't respond and instead waits for me. I manage to pull myself closer to him and grab on. Which is not easy when you don't have hands. Once I'm secure enough he gets ready to teleport again. In an instant we're back on land. I look out towards the lake to find the cage broken and caving in. I look back at my wolf and he licks me happily.

"You are so-"

I stop myself.

"Never mind. Good boy."

He barks again and nuzzles against me.

"Thanks for finding me boy. You were a big help."

"Why is he not eating you?"

A small voice comes from behind Kosmo. I look over to see all of the mice coming out from hiding.

"He's my friend. I rescued him when he was a pup. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

The mice look at him and he sniffs in their direction. They squeak and run away.

"He won't hurt you. He's sweet."

"And what does he eat?"

"Seriously guys? He won't eat you."


I roll my eyes.

"He can take us to the castle faster than I can fly."

"I still don't trust him."

One speaks up.

"Fine. Then you guys can stay here. But I raised him so I should know how well he'd be with you four."

They all look around uncomfortably.
"Fine. You guys stay."

I turn to Kosmo.

"Do you know where the castle is?"

He tilts his head confused.

"Okay... can you find Shiro?"

At the familiar name he barks.

"Shiro it is."

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