I Have A Plan

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When I make it home and inside I go straight to my father. I burst into the meeting room and yell out my request.

"We need to have a ball tomorrow!"


"No. We need to. I have an important announcement to make in front if the entire kingdom."

After I'm done ranting I notice my father look me over. He seems to realize something and nods.

"Okay. Tomorrow."

"Thank you."

I turn and walk out the door. I just have to wait one night. One night and everything will be okay. Still, it was impossible to know what Lotor would or could do. Keith was still in danger and the threat of war was still hanging in the air.

"Lance! Come here!"

My sisters call broke me from my thoughts.


She raced over to me.

"What is it?"

"The blue lion is going crazy!"


"Blue! Just come look."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the hangar. When we arrived I was surprised to see that Blue was in fact throwing a fit. She was bucking wildly and a low growl was emanating from her. The second she saw me she growled.

-You let him go!-

Anora looked at me expectantly to see what was wrong.

"I- uh..."

-Sometimes you young ones drive me nuts.-

"I didn't do anything!"


She growls.

-You left him with Lotor!-

"We have a plan."

-Sure. That's going to work really well.-

"Why do you not have any faith that this will work?"

-Because I know how these people are. You never know if their going to do something.-

"So you don't know for sure that he's in danger?"

-Of course not. But if I were you I would stay away from the red lion.-

"Why would I have to do that?"

-She's more pissed off than me. You left her paladin in the hands of the enemy.-

"Oh. True."

She growls something incoherent and sits up straight.

-That plan of yours better be good.-

"It is."

She doesn't say anything else and I sigh.

"What's going on?"

Anora asks from my side.

"She's upset about the plan I had in mind."

"What plan?"

"A plan to get Keith back."

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