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 Soon after Lance leaves Lotor rides in on his stallion. His horse snorts and paws at the ground. It's eyes burn darkly and I find the horse is a lot like Lotor. He dismounts and walks towards me.

"Look at you. Enjoying you're home?"

I glare at him.

"What do you want?"

He eyes me steadily before turning and walking towards the edge of the clearing.

"Did you enjoy your company?"

I freeze.

"I don't know what you mean."

He steps forward and something cracks under his foot. I look down and see an altean bow. Dammit Lance.

"What is that supposed to mean to me?"

"Lance has been out looking for you."

He watches my face for any recognition.

"He's also one of the only royal alteans to use a bow."

I don't move and he walks towards me.

"You're very important you know."

He gets close to me and I can feel his breath on my face.

"For a mutt."

He says the name tauntingly. I don't flinch.

"Somehow you're still on the royal court. Still wanted to marry my Prince. Still a paladin."

His tone gets darker as he lists the reasons.

"You're a disgrace to your kind."

He reaches up and yanks the necklace from my neck. I reach out but he smacks my hand away. He holds the necklace up and inspects it.

"There's a ball tomorrow. Correct?"

He glances at me. I don't respond and he shrugs.

"Doesn't matter. You won't be able to go anyways."


I snap.

"You'll be a swan."

"I thought I was a human at night."

He smirks.

"That's easy to change."

The Turned Prince (Swan Princess AU)Where stories live. Discover now