The Curse

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(Authors Note: The pictures won't always be in order. Just putting that out there. I have a headache too. Just saying... Enjoy.)

When I wake up I'm laying in tall grass. I groan and pull myself up. My head aches but I get up anyways. I teeter to the side and quickly find a tree to lean on. I look up and push my bangs out of my face. I'm by a castle. It's old and rotted. In front of me is a big pond. The moon reflects off it and the water ripples with the wind. I press the palm of my hand into the side of my head relieving some of the pain. Suddenly there was a loud crash to my left. My head shoots up leaving a ringing sound in my ears. When it settled down and I was able to focus I saw Lotor. He was standing in the same armor from before. He was smiling down at me, a greedy look in his eyes.

"Nice to see you've woken up."


He raised an eyebrow.

"I what?"

"You asshole."

He lets out a short bark of laughter.

"Really? That's all you had to say? The famous half breed destined to be with my prince."

"He's not yours."

Lotor walks over and bends down inspecting my face before locking his eyes on mine.

"Neither is he yours."

"He's no one's. And sorry to burst your bubble, but he'll never even think about being with someone like you."

Lotor scoffs dramatically.

"You hurt me mutt. But I'd bet anything on him wanting me more than you. You may look pretty but that's all you'll be. No prince would want a mangy mutt like you."

My mind flashes back to past memories of Lance complimenting me when we were younger. Saying that we were both different and that kids made fun of him for having brown hair instead of white. That we were alike and it was okay to be unique. I focus back on my present situation and glare at Lotor.

"How would you know? The closet you've ever gotten to him is when you broke into the castle and tried to kidnap him. You don't know anything about him!"

"And you do?"

"I would stay a moon cycle in Altea. I'd say I know him pretty well."

Lotor smirks.

"Yes you stayed with the royal family but did you actually interact? Did you want to be there? Did he even want you there?"

I know the answer to that. Everyone knows the story. We're the kids who were raised to be married to each other. The kids who hated the idea and out right refused. The kids who barley hung out during the time I was there because we didn't like each other. The tale of the galran and altean princes who were meant to be wedded but... But what? I cancelled the marriage. I was upset then but am I now? I ruined the idea of peace. When I saw him everything was different. We were older. More aware of the situation. Do we understand love now? Him and his father both brought up the fact that it was an accident. That he meant to say more.

"That was then."

Lotor stands up smirking.

"What is it now?"

I look down at my hands and clench them into fists.

"Now we understand. We love each other."

Lotor laughs.

"Oh please! You can't be serious! You couldn't possibly think that he loves you! The wedding didn't even go as planned! He only wanted to marry you because you looked pretty. Something he could have stand beside him to show off. A prize."

I stand up straighter and narrow my eyes at him.

"I know him far better than you ever could."

"Whatever you say."

Lotor rolls his eyes and lifts his hand.

"Anyways, I have a little present for you from me. I hope you enjoy it."


Lotor swiftly moves his hand and I feel my body go rigid. There's a numb burning feeling and pastel colors go flying past me in a blur. There's so much color I have to close my eyes. When the wind stops I open my eyes. Everything is larger than it was before and Lotor is watching me happily.

"What a wonderful look for you. A black swan is the perfect addition for this pond."

I look down and notice what he did. I extend my arm and instead it's replaced with long black feathers. I look up at him shocked. What the hell?

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. It's just a curse. Every day you turn into a swan. Lucky for you, I've granted you the nights to be normal again. But you must be on the lake when the moon touches it. You have until Lance declares his love for me. When he does, you will die. You see it's clever really. I just cursed you. Lance will be the one to kill you. Funny how love works."

"I will kill you."

"Oh please. I'm way more powerful than you could ever imagine. I could merely hit you and you'd break something. Anyways, I've done what I need to. Have fun. You have until the moon hits the pond before you return to your normal form. I have someone who's looking for me."

He turned and left me standing there. What the hell kind of magic did Lotor take? What made me shiver was the fact that he said Lance would be the one to kill me. If Lance confesses his love to Lotor i'll die. But why in the world would Lance say that? I wrack my brain for why when I hear something rustle in the bushes. My head perks up at the sound and I glance around for the thing that made the noise. There's nothing there. I hear the rustle from the other side and there's suddenly four small mice scampering out of the bush and towards me. They stop in front of me and jump up and down.

"Hey! You! What's your name!"

I stare at them shocked. Speaking. The mice are speaking.

"I uh. Keith. My name is Keith."

One of the mice jumps excitedly.

"You're the galra Prince Lance was supposed to marry!"

"Yeah. The one that cancelled the wedding."

Another one says. I glare.

"Well sorry for actually wanting someone who cares about me for more than looks."

"He was obviously surprised by your outburst. What did you expect? Did you think he'd have an entire speech planned?"

"No but-"

"Can we please forget that! The poor guy just got cursed!"

The mouse arguing with me stops and inspects me.

"Yeah, that's pretty bad."

I roll me eyes.

"Tell me about it."

"We overheard the conversation so at least you can return to normal."

"Yes, that's a wonderful thing. Until I die."

The mouse flinches at my tone.

"Sorry. But I don't think you have to worry. Prince Lance won't ever confess his love for Lotor. I mean, look at the guy. Besides, that 'love' is hate."

"He's attractive."

The third mouse states causing the others to glare at it.

"Sorry. Not helpful."

"Okay but how are we gonna fix this?"

"I think I have an idea..."

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