I Finally Found You

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After I'm out of the castle and on my horse I'm off. I have my bow and arrows with me in case and now I'm on a mission to find Keith. He has to be here somewhere. If they left we would have known.

Hours have passed by and I haven't found anything. The sun is getting closer to setting and soon it's going to be dark. Just as I'm about to turn Dancer around I see a flash of something. Dancer whinnies and I turn him towards the noise. There's a rustle and I see another flash of something. Raven. A dark raven color. I draw an arrow and line it up to my bow. I listen for a noise and look for the movement again. There's a quick flapping noise. A bird? It moves up and I follow it. When I see the color again I shoot. As soon as I do there's a loud noise and suddenly the creature is moving. As soon as it does Dancer startles, rearing up into the air. As soon as he's back down on all fours I push him to follow the creature. Might as well do something out here while I can. We follow the animal until Dancer can't fit anymore. I dismount and tie him to a nearby tree. I get down and look for any signs of the animal. Before I can think there's movement. I quickly shoot an arrow and before I can shoot again I find myself stopped by a mouse. It's suddenly perched on my bow and I recognize it as one of the castles mice.


The mouse looks furious. It points at me angrily and waves it's hands above its head. I watch dumbfounded as it does a bunch of different actions. Finally I stop it from going any further.

"I have no idea what you're trying to say."

It glares at me before pointing behind it and forming a heart with its tail. When I don't reply it turns and scampers off.


I walk after the mouse and into a clearing. There's a large pond with a massive castle. Surprisingly I've never seen this place before. I look around for the mouse when a rustle comes from the trees. I draw my bow as the animal barrels out of the forest. It's a bird. One of the most beautiful swans I've ever seen. It's feathers are unique and unlike any other. The bird skids to a stop in the water, sending water splashing up around it. There's a squeak and when I look down the mouse points to the swan. I look back up just as the moon hits the water, bathing the swan in a beautiful light. It's feathers glisten for a second before there's suddenly colors. Pastels are flying through the air, surrounding the bird. I can only watch in awe as the colors slow and sink into the water. What they leave behind has me dazed. I must be seeing things. Right? Because I did not just watch a swan turn into a person. By person I mean Keith. Keith is a swan. I drop my bow in shock and the mouse squeaks in protest. It was trying to show me where he was. I look down at the mouse and it points towards Keith. I look back at him and he looks up, noticing me for the first time. His expression goes from shocked to filled with something I can't put a name on. I've never seen Keith with a look like that. He takes a step towards me and I can't help but run at him. We almost fall when I barrel into him. He yelps in surprise as I cling to him.

"I'm so sorry."

I whisper.


"For all of this. It's all my fault."

"No it's not. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I made you leave. I offended you. You got taken because someone's after me."

"Okay... So it's kind of your fault."

I roll my eyes and pull back.

"I bet you wish you hadn't been chosen to marry me. I make a pretty bad partner."

He shrugs.

"You're not as bad as you think."

"Says the person who ended our engagement."

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