I Love You

727 15 1

-Lance, wake up.-

I groan and slowly look around.

"Blue? What happend?"

-You took him down. You can't celebrate now though. You need to move.-

I pull myself up and put a hand to my pounding head.


-He's barely hanging on Lance.-

She says urgently.

-You don't have much time. You need to go to him.-

I move forwards and she ushers me until I make it outside. I stumble out and look around for Kosmo.

-By the lake.-

I follow her instructions until I make it to the furry mass of blue and black.


The wolf lifts his head and whines.

"I know."

I go over as he moves around so he's watching from a distance. Keith is laying still on the ground and just by looking it doesn't seem like he's breathing. I kneel down and pull him into my lap.


There's no response and only slow unnatural breathing. I bend down so my forehead is leaning against his.

"I did it. Me and Blue. We brought him down for you. So please. Please just come back to me. Tell me this wasn't for nothing. I just want to hold you and kiss you forever because- because I love you."

I whisper.

"I love you so much. I love how you're kind and put others before yourself. You're brave and intelligent. You're everything I'm not. Just like Shiro said. You level me out so please... Come back to me."

"Did Shiro give a stupid talk again?"

I yank back and look down at him. His eyes are open and he's looking back at me smiling.

"Oh for Voltron's sake!"

I pull him into a tight hug and he laughs.

"You scared the crap out of me!"

I say pulling back to look him over.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

He grabs my hand and I freeze.

"I'm more than fine."

A loud breath escapes me and I grab his face and pull him forwards into a quick kiss.

"God, I hate you."

"I know. I hate you too."


Allura's Perspective

"Here they come! Here they come!"

The doors open and I watch as Keith and my brother walk out together. They're both smiling and they wave to the crowd. I watch proudly as our father places a crown on Lance's head and the same is done to Keith by his mother.

"Here today we see two races combined together in peace!"

My father announces.

"The war is over!"

Zarkon says next.

"We sign the papers during this celebration!"

The mixed crowds let out happy whoops of joy and Anora jumps happily.


She screams. I wince and cover my ears when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to look at Keith's guard Shiro.

"You look like you need some space."

He says politely while bowing.

"That would be wonderful."

I smile while shooting one last look over my shoulder at the happy couple.

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