Not Giving Up

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 I finished training a while ago. It's late and technically I should be in bed. But knowing that he's still out there and that something I'll do will kill him. My mind is racing and I can't shut it down. Sleep isn't an option so I walk out onto my balcony and look up at the sky. I can see the moons and a few little stars. I'd usually find it pretty but my mind is of course elsewhere. I can't focus and it almost hurts when I think about it too much. He's still out there and I can't do anything. Tomorrow I'm definitely going out to look for him.

I wake up and everything that happend yesterday comes back. Today I'm going to go look for him. I get dressed into more comfortable clothes. I have the feeling I'm going to be outside all day. Once I'm ready I leave and go into the kitchen. It's pretty empty aside from Anora who's sitting on the counter. When she sees me she lights up.

"Lance! Good morning!"

"Morning Anora."

She looks me up and down before giving me a look.

"Are you leaving?"

"I have to go look for him Anora."

Her expression turns to one of worry.

"But Lotor wants you."

"I do-"

I stop myself. I can't tell Anora that I'm not important. Out of my entire family she's the one who understands how I feel about myself. I don't think I'm important. I'm not the same as her or Allura and I'm not meant to be a royal. The title just doesn't fit me. When I look at her I can tell she knows what I'm thinking.

"Lance, you are important. You'll always be important. You're important to me, Allura, Dad, and even Keith. You're important to Hunk and Pidge. You're even important to this kingdom. I don't know why you can't understand that."

"That's still not going to stop me from leaving."

"I know. Just please don't risk your life. Know that there are people waiting for you who want you to come back alive."


She smiles at me.

"Oh, and before you go, can you please braid my hair and tie it up?"

I look over her hair which is pulled back in a messy bun. Her crown is laying on the counter beside her.


I sigh.

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