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To be honest, I was slightly regretting my choice. Yes what Lance said was a horrible response. But for some reason I felt he wasn't lying when he said he was sorry. King Alfor also made it clear that he had things on his mind. So did I. Lance looked so different. He had aged into his height and was less of a gangly kid. He was definitely handsome. When he entered a room it was hard not to look. He looked better in royal clothing then he did when he was younger. His hair still hasn't changed to white but i'm okay with that. We both have our weird unique differences.


"Huh, what? Yes."

Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Keith you have to pay attention. You're on a horse in the woods. It's not the safest conditions."

"Yeah I know."

He pulled his horse ahead of me and stopped causing me to stop to.

"Keith. Stop thinking back. It's over. Done."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't need your comments."

He shrugged.

"Fine fine."

"Besides. Your just trying to cover up how sad you are about not being able to be around Allura anymore."

Shiro's face turned bright red.


"Uhuh. Sure."

Before he could make a comment there was a loud bang from somewhere in the forest. We both tensed. Our horses nervously prancing underneath us. There was a loud thundering sound and Shiro's mare Lacy reared. He fell and she dashed off into the woods leaving us staring after. Shiro got up in time to face the sound. A man rode up to us on a large black stallion. He was galran. I recognized him as Lord Zarkons rebel son. Lotor. He'd been banned. But he was clearly back now.


Shiro growled.

"Ah, I hear the wedding plans didn't go so well."

Shiro stepped towards him but his horse reared and Shiro backed up.


Lotor pointed at me.

"You're the one I want."

In the blink of an eye I was knocked painfully to the ground. I was quickly scooped up and with a painful hit to my head I blacked out.

(Lances Perspective)

I stayed in my room for most of the day. It was for the most part quiet but during around dinner time shouts and yells rang out through the castle. Anora burst through my door with tears in her eyes.

"Lance Lance! Help!"

She ran into my arms crying.

"Anora! What happend! Is everyone alright?"

"Something happend on their trip back! He's gone! His guard said he was taken!"

"What. Who?"
"Keith! He's gone! Lotor took him!"

I felt my body freeze and I knew I had probably paled.

"Lotor, took him?"

She nodded into my shoulder.

"He's gone. They disappeared. There's not even a sign of where they went."

I released Anora and gently pushed her back a few inches.

The Turned Prince (Swan Princess AU)Where stories live. Discover now