I Understand Your Pain...

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Description: It's easy to say that Bucky has one of the worst lives among the Avengers. Who would've known that there was someone else among them that had the same problem he does.

A/N: This is more SpiderSon than IronDad with it (but there is some). It's more like a one shot between Bucky and Peter. I have one more one shot before this one and then a part 2 for The Orphanage.

Words: 1758


"What's with the book?" Steve asked as Alexander Pierce pulled out a book with a bright red star on it making two members of the Avengers tense up. But those two members just happened to be 'secretly' strapped to their chairs.

"It's an old German war journal. Filled with many different facts. I've managed to translate some words but not many" Alexander chuckled pulling the innocent card.

"I-Is that why you called us here?" Peter questioned as he started to shake nervously.

"It is. I feel like this could hold some secrets and I want to know all of your takes on the words" Alexander replies before opening the book.

Electricity started to go through the restraints on Peter's and Bucky's chairs so they both bit their lips to hide their screams.

Alexander flipped the screen to show all the words out on display.


Tears started to form in Peter's eyes as the cover for his arm started to fall off.


Bucky pulled on the restraints which caught Natasha's attention.


A fat tear went down Peter's face which is what caught the attention of Tony and Steve.


Peter's cover completely fell off to slightly reveal the metal under the sleeve of his shirt.


Flashbacks of the past started to flow through Bucky's mind as he could only wish he could go back to the 'good old days'.


The room suddenly felt really cold to both Bucky and Peter causing a simultaneous shiver to go through them.


Peter started to whisper a quiet, 'no' over and over again which caused worry to rise in he chests of Tony and Clint who were right next to him.


A different electric shock went through the two men which made Bucky whimper and Peter actually cry out in pain.

"Whoa. Hold on Alexander. Are you two okay?" Sam asked seeing the discomfort.


"NO!" Bucky screamed tugging at the restraints that became very apparent to the others.

"STOP IT! DON'T PLEASE!" Peter yelled breaking his own restraints falling to the ground in pain.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THEM?!" Tony screamed as he kneeled down next to Peter.

"Freight Car..."

Both Bucky and Peter went still in the spots making everyone freak out.

"What did you do?" Natasha asked darkly as she pulled out a knife.

"Winterspinne, Wintersoldat, entstehen jetzt" Alexander growled which made both Peter and Bucky tense before standing up and walking towards Alexander.

IronDad and SpiderSon One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now