Falling Out and Putting Back Together

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Description: Tony and Peter had a huge fight since Tony was allowing the Ex-Avengers back to the tower since the Accords were finished. Two months later, they're practically forced to reunite.

A/N: Okay I'm gonna be real here. I got so distracted by books, school, and work that I had no time. Well I did have time I was just being a lazy brain fart taco. So here you go.

Words: 1481


"May please don't make me go. Call into the school. Something. I can't go" Peter cried actual tears falling from his eyes as panic took over.

May walked over to Peter with a gentle smile on her face wiping the tears that fell from her nephews eyes.

"Pete. I've told you that everything will be okay. Tony misses you like crazy. You know he calls everyday just to make sure you're okay" May sighed smiling gently at the teen.

"That has t-to be a lie May. You k-know what I d-did to him r-right?!" Peter sobbed as flashbacks went through his mind.


Peter had just learned that the accords had been resolved and that Tony had invited the rogues back to live with him again.


"I know they did kiddo. But you know that they had their own things in mind at the time" Tony tried to reason but it didn't work.

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK! YOU SHOULDN'T LET YOURSELF TRUST SOMEONE SO FAST AFTER EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED!" Peter screamed standing up and flailing his arms around. Tony walked over to Peter and placed a hand on his shoulder but that hand was quickly thrown off. Quite harshly.

"Pete. You really need to calm down" Tony sighed and backed away noticing the crazed look in Peter's eyes.

"Calm down. CALM DOWN?! NO! You told me yourself that you've always had the hots for mister 'I use a dinner plate as a shield' and I don't want to be a part of it. Take my suit if you must but you can't take away Spider-Man" Peter growled making Tony's eyes widen.

"I'm aware of that kid. But-" Poor Tony had been severely cut off by Peter slapping him right across the face.

Tony recoiled and held his hand to the bright red mark on his face. Peter had his hand raised still as he started to storm away to grab his bag.

"I hate you Tony Stark" Peter hissed before leaving the lab.

Tony stood there in the silence just holding his cheek. Tears welled up in the mans eyes as he realised what just happened. Peter had finally called him Tony, but only to tell him he hated him.

"Are you okay sir?" FRIDAY asked as tears fell from Tony's eyes.

"FRIDAY I've got a new protocol. Call it 'Mini Stark is Back'. Just in case Peter comes back, leave all his access. I just want to have some hope that he'll come back" Tony cried silently holding his arms around him.

Flashback Ends

"Sweetie. You'll be fine. I'm sure Tony will welcome you back with open arms. He always tells me how much he misses you and wants you to come back to the tower all the time but is too afraid to ask himself since he thinks you hate him" May told Peter as they stood outside the apartment building waiting for the bus.

"Okay. C-Can I call you i-if I want to leave?" Peter asked playing with the phone in his pocket.

"I have work until Midnight today. Just go Spider-Manning if you want" May responded earning only a small nod.

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