You are Perfect to Me

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Description: Peter Parker has always been one to be a good judge of character. So he honestly can't help it when he sees someone that he falls head over heals with. To him, this girl is an angel.

A/N: This is more my idea from the song. I do not know who the person is in the picture but she's really pretty and I decided she would be the OC in this chapter. This doesn't really have Tony in it but... well you'll see.

Words: 3214 (oh geez this ones long)


It was the end of the day for the students of Midtown Tech and everyone was so prepared to leave. All the student were rushing out of the school just excited to leave for the weekend. Except for one specific person.

Peter Stark.

He spent a while staring at a girl that he had every class with. She would always run her hand through her brown hair when she couldn't figure out a problem. She would push her glasses up on her face when they were falling down and let out a small chuckle. Her green eyes would stare deeply into the drawing she was doing with such admiration.

Peter couldn't help the fact that he fell for her fast. Every Avenger had heard about her before because Peter would talk about her all the time. She would be one of the only people who wouldn't bully him. She would always stand up for him and Ned whenever they were being bullied by anyone in the school.

And her name is Madeline Barton. That's right, it's Clint's eldest daughter. Madeline would live in the tower with Peter without even realising he was there because he hid from her. He's always been too afraid to go up to her. Little did poor Peter know that Madeline always knew he was there. Always watching over her like her own guardian.

Peter was snapped out of the trance he was by Madeline herself opening her locker. She reached down for her maroon backpack and pulled out everything she didn't need for the night. Peter stared like a puppy as she looked at the signed picture of the Black Veil Brides that was held up by a magnet. She sighed happily and adjusted the light brown cardigan over the emerald green shirt and dark wash jeans before retying the lace on her black combat boots.

Madeline looked up when she felt someone staring at her. Fearing that it was some creeper she stood up straight. But she was quickly relieved to only find that it was Peter.

"Hey Peter!" Madeline called offering a small wave and a bright smile.

"Oh.. hey Madeline" Peter called back looking down sheepishly and playing with his hair.

"How was your day?" Madeline asked as she pulled her bag over her shoulders.

"It was good. I thought the Chemistry test was pretty easy. But it was really funny when you dropped your calculator making everyone look at you" Peter joked earning a hearty laugh making a blush appear on the boy's face.

"That was so embarrassing. I had to erase that question since I was doing the stoichiometry all wrong without realising" Madeline told him while laughing lightly still.

"Stoichiometry is so annoying to do. Good thing we're doing stuff on solutions next" Peter added leaning against the lockers.

"HEY MADELINE!" Flash yelled from across the hallway.

Both Madeline and Peter looked up to see Flash standing there with a guitar that was yellow are orange. But what caught Madeline's attention was the fact that it was the same type of guitar played by her favourite band.

"WHOA FLASH THATS SO COOL!" Madeline squealed running over after shutting her locker.

"Wanna learn how to play? You can use this one" Flash offered shooting a sly look towards Peter who was shocked.

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