It's About Time

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Description: A large alarm starts to go off around the tower making everyone that is still in the building freak out. Why? Because of what that alarm means. Bucky and Peter are back.

A/N: This is the sequel to 'I Understand You Pain...' and if anything confuses you then that will probably mean that you didn't read the first part and should definitely go do that.

Words: 930 (ooo so short)


Tony and Steve sat alone in their room as they stared down at the StarkPad that held a bunch of memories that they shared with Peter.

"Aw remember when you took this one?" Steve asked as they stopped on a picture that he's always loved (the one up top).

"Of course I do. The kid was so adamant on taking a picture of us since it was the Randy's Donuts from when the whole thing with Hammer Tech happened" Tony replied letting a small chuckle pass through his lips.

"Tony? When do you think they will come out of those tubes. I mean it's been three years already. I don't know what's taking so long" Steve sighed turning off StarkPad and laying his head down on top of Tony's.

"I don't know Steve. All I know is that Peter is going to freak out because of how much his hair has grown" Tony joked earning a giggle from Steve.

"Oh yeah. It's what? Near the middle of his back now. It's always been an untameable mess and now it's just... I don't even know how to describe it" Steve added giggling more.

Suddenly a loud alarm started going through the building making everyone jump up. The alarm blared for a while until it turned off with a small whistle at the end.

"Whats going on FRIDAY?" Tony asked jumping out of his bed and running towards the common room where they met the other that were still there (Pietro, Wanda, Nat, Clint, Vision, Bruce).

"Yeah I wasn't really looking for a heart attack today" Pietro piped up running a hand through his hair.

"It would appear that the cryogenic chambers that have been holding Mini Stark-Rogers and Mr. Barnes have opened" FRIDAY announced making the room go still.

"They opened?".


The first thing Peter felt when he opened his eyes was the fact that he wasn't cold anymore. Peter slowly cracked his eyes open and found that the door that he had shut himself and Bucky in were both open.

Surprisingly enough Peter's limbs were still quite strong making him wonder how long they were actually frozen for.

"Bucky? You awake?" Peter asked cringing at his own raspy voice.

"Yeah I'm awake kid. Are you still freakishly strong?" Bucky asked back leaning out of the chamber to look at Peter who was already on the ground.

"Yeah. It's weird. Is your hair freakishly long?" Peter joking looking at Bucky who's hair was down near his butt.

"Yeah. Like what the hell? How long were we frozen?" Bucky as running a hand through his hair.

"It has been approximately three years now" FRIDAY told the pair making them both jump.

"FRIDAY! It's good to hear from you!" Peter cheered a bright smile on his face.

"Wait. Did it work. FRIDAY would you mind saying the first trigger word to see if something happens?" Bucky asked looking around.

"Sure thing" FRIDAY changed her voice to be raspy and Russian, "Longing..".

Peter and Bucky both looked at each other expecting for something to happen but neither of them felt anything. Not even the usual striking pain that they always get.

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