Steve What Happened?!

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Description: Peter's Spider-Senses have saved him from a lot of things. But nothing could've saved him from this.

A/N: In the spirit of Christmas, here's some depression!

*Warning: This chapter involves suicide so if that is triggering please stop reading at the bold *. Or even if death is triggering don't read this chapter*

Words: 1462


It's a cold night in New York. Snow was falling lightly from the sky as the entire city was lit up with Christmas lights making everything look so festive.

Peter stood happily in the middle of Central Park staring at the lights. People walked around the teen as he stared at the lights.

Peter had decided to take a walk on this Christmas Eve just to take in the sights of New York. It was his first Christmas with his adoptive father and nothing could possibly ruin Peter's mood.

Steve had also come with Peter and was standing right next to the teen just admiring the way the kids eyes light up whenever he sees something he likes.

"Uncle Steve? Do you think we could go to time square? I wanna look around there" Peter asked looking slightly up to lock eyes with the soldier.

"Sure thing kiddo. Let's head over" Steve replied before following after Peter who quickly started speed walking towards the car.

When they both arrived, they once again started walking and they both couldn't help but admire the beautiful lights.

Very quickly everything started to get gloomy to Peter when his senses started going off. All his hairs stood on end making the teen stop moving completely. He started to look around with a frown on his face making Steve look back to try and figure out what was happening.

"What's the matter son? You okay?" Steve asked noticing Peter's tense stance.

"I don't know Uncle Steve. Somethings setting off my senses but I'm not sure what it is" Peter replied making Steve tense as well.

They both scanned the area but unfortunately it was too late for them to move.

For Peter, he looked towards Steve and quickly pushed him out of he way. A burning pain spread through his head and everything simply went black.

For Steve, he heard the gunshot he was suddenly pushed to the ground. But what surprised him was the fact that there was only one gunshot. No more came after that one shot but Steve didn't let his guard down.

Steve stood back up to scan the area before turning to see if Peter was okay. The man turned towards where the teen was standing but everything around him just seemed to stop in that second.

Peter was against the wall that they had been standing in front of. Eyes closed as if he were asleep. With...

A gaping bullet hole in his head

Steve seemingly forgot how to breath at that moment. This had to be a dream right? Peter is not dead. There's NO WAY HE'S DEAD!

"Peter. No buddy c'mon wake up. They're about to turn on the huge Christmas tree. We've gotta go now if we wanna make it" Steve pleaded shaking the kids shoulders with a hope that this wasn't reality. "Kid please don't leave us. You're too young for that".

Steve started crying while holding Peter against his chest. All Steve wanted was to have Peter wake up and tell him it was just a sick joke or he's was going to be okay.

But there was no possible way of that happening is there.

"Sir. We need you to move away from the body please" an officer told Steve placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

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