No More Doubts.

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Description: It took weeks of recovery, weeks of therapy, weeks a training, and months of love. But now, two months after Peter saves the universe, he feels ready to go back to the one place he never thought he would return to. School.

A/N: You guys wanted it. You guys got it. But you all know me, I'm gonna somehow make it sad. So enjoy your Part 2.

Words: 2140


Peter stared down at the worksheet that had multiple chemistry problems on it. The stones glinted when the light from his lamp caught them. Peter had been doing any school work given to him which would be returned and used for marks. It's funny how Midtown had so much faith in him.

Taking a small break from looking at way too many quantum numbers for his liking, Peter leaned back and looked out his window at the lake outside. It was sunset so the light was hitting the water in such a way that it made Peter happy.

These small moments of peace are sometimes abnormal to the teen. Most of the time he locked himself in the special house built next to the house. He often time just sat in there to try and control his thoughts. The stones had both a negative and positive effects on him.

"Peter" Tony called from the doorway peeking inside to see his son in his own little world.

All Peter did was let out a small hum in response.

"Your mom and I need you downstairs. It's important" Tony replied, quickly satisfied to see his son actually look him in the eye.

"I'm working" Peter responded with his still dead eyes.

"C'mon Pete. Just this once" Tony sighed pinching his eyebrows together.

"Fine. Let me clean up then I'll be downstairs" Peter groaned running a hand through his hair.

"Alright. Be quick. We really need to talk to you" Tony said before ducking back out of the door and closing it behind him.

Peter grumbled under his breath as panic slowly built up in his chest. He tends to try and stay away from his family. Ever since he accidentally lost control and hurt Morgan, he's been terrified to even be around them. He's been trying so hard to control his powers, but it just hasn't been working.

What Peter doesn't understand is that it is because he doubts himself. He doubts that he can control himself, he doubts that he won't hurt anyone anymore, he doubts that he is good enough to wield to stones.

He doubts the fact that he was supposed to survive.

Peter didn't want to be alive.

A tear managed to track its way down his face as some emotions started to take over. Peter quickly wiped it away before regaining himself and leaving the comfort of his room.

Slowly making his way down the wooden steps, panic slowly fills his entire being as the stones started to glow. Power started to deep out around him making an array of colours. He was on the bottom step and could see Tony and Pepper sitting on the couch, with little Morgan dancing around the table.

Unfortunately all Peter could see was her bleeding from when he lost control of the power stone.

"PETEY!" Morgan yelled seeing her big brother standing on the stairs.

Peter yelped and ending up falling from the sudden scream invading his already heightened ears. Peter tumbled down onto the ground hitting his head on the floor. The powers still seeping out around him as he tried to control himself.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Pepper exclaimed getting up just as her son hit the ground.

Morgan quickly took action and ran towards her brother. She stopped suddenly when Peter looked at her with an expression of nothing but fear and panic. Two emotions Morgan didn't like on her brothers face.

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