The Shaytan Kingdom

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Description: Peter Stark, the prince of the Shaytan kingdom comes to a demonic conclusion.

A/N: Okay this is an AU relating to an anime. If anyone knows what it is props to you because they will be a part of this. Possible spoilers be aware. ⚠️

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Peter watches in the distance as black flames spew from the battlefield in front of him. A look of horror crosses over his face knowing exactly what those flames meant.

The demon race.

The young prince was on a search for his childhood friend who had been travelling the country with a band of holy knights but had only found himself looking upon a wasteland.

One demon seemed to take notice of him because the next thing he knew, there were black flames flying towards him.

Peter removed his sword from his sheath before focusing all his energy into his sword.

"FULL COUNTER!" Peter yelled before swiping his sword through the air. The black flames went flying the other way hitting the demon that had spewed them at him.

The sword was put away after and Peter flew closer to the centre of the fight. But once reaching it, he was greeted by a horrific sight.

A blonde haired kid was laying on the ground, seven swords in his body, and his eyes had gone dull. A girl with white hair was holding onto him, while ten demons looked upon them with a look of pity and craze.

A short black haired demon notices his presence quickly but does not react to him much. Another brunette demon, a female this time, suddenly appears next to him, kicking him out of the air.

A cry of pain escapes Peter's mouth as he aggressively hits the ground. The ground digging into his skin and cutting him all over.

Without a moments hesitation, Peter gets back onto his feet and pulls his sword out once more. With sudden speed that surprises the demon, Peter throws himself forwards only for a hand to grab him by his neck.

A chocked cry left Peter as he hit the ground. The white haired demon that had grabbed him stares down at him with a smirk on his face.

"Oh ho what do we have here?" The white haired one asks leaning closer to Peter.

"BACK OFF!" Peter yells swiping his sword managing the catch the demons cheek before getting up in a defensive position.

"It's just a kid" the giant red metallic demon cackles leaning backwards seemingly finding the situation funny.

"He's no threat. Let's just kill him now and be on with our days" a purple haired demon sighs, a purple flamed tendril coming out of pin Peter to the ground.

"Hold on" the short black haired one exclaims before moving closer to Peter.

"He seems quite familiar doesn't he?" The white haired one asks quirking an eyebrow.

"His power levels are off the charts. But he's nothing but a child. Look kid you have no idea who we are do you?" The black haired demon questions. At Peter shaking his head no the other sighs.

"We're the Ten Commandments of the demon realm. We're here to get our revenge on the world for locking us away" The white haired one announces throwing his hands in the air.

"I'm Zeldris. The white haired one next to me is Estarossa. The purple head is Melascula. The giant red metal one is Galand. The two slightly normal looking ones are Monspeet and Derieri. The giant black thing with demon head is Grayroad. The actual giant is Drole. The fairy next to him is Gloxinia" the black haired one, now known as Zeldris, says.

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