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"How could I possibly stay away from someone I love?"

Rainn's P.O.V
(May 13, 1953)

"What if?" I smiled looking at them, "What if?"

I saw Steve smiling, "Really?" I chuckled, "Yeah why not? I ain't got a place to be."

"I gave it some thought and I'm probably going to get a place around here. Close enough for me to walk here and you can walk there." Steve nodded. I took a glance at Soda seeing him still down. Since Darry was sitting next to me, I decided to see if he knew, "Darry." I whisper to him. He looked up at me, "Yeah?" I pointed at Soda, "What's wrong with him?"  He shrugged, "He's been like that since he got home from work." I nodded, I guess I didn't notice when he got home till we all started talking.

----an hour later----

Later all of us were hanging around, me and Two did a rain checked to go around town before the drag race tomorrow. I decided to do it, I thought if Soda came with him he would cheer up a bit. Dally has been pissed off as well, but I've notice Dally is always mad if he wasn't had a few drinks, and he has but he was still mad. I pushed it to the side, I was more concerned with Soda. He was always happy, I've only known these boys for 2 days, but I could still read them like a book.

I saw Soda walk outside to the front porch, this might be my only time. I follow behind him, I saw him go to the front railing of the porch, and lean against it. I sighed and followed his actions. I looked over at him, "What's wrong?" He never made eye contact, but he still talked, "Just getting memories." "What are they about?"

He looked at the sunset in front of us, "About the same time last year, my mom and dad before they left to go to the country, told me that someone, someone out there is coming to me. Someone would make a huge impact on my life." He breathed unstably, "I never thought anything of it. I thought it was just something for her to say to make me feel better about them leaving. They always went out there to have dates and sometimes would take us with them, I had a bad feeling about this trip and I didn't say anything." He breathed again, "But that's besides the point, later I found Sandy, my girlfriend, I've never loved anyone else, I mean that girl, oh my gosh, I was head over heels for her. She was all I thought, she never left my mind. Yesterday, she came to the DX like she does everyday, and told me that she was pregnant. But then I thought, I've never done it with her. She told me she wanted to take it slow." He kicked the railing, "She cheated on me, and got pregnant. I didn't even care if it wasn't mine, I loved her so much, I would do anything for her. Even if I ain't got nothing to give. She got pissed at me and said she was going to Florida with her Grandma and living there, finishing high school. I'll probably never see her again." He laughed while crying, "How can I possibly stay away from someone I love?" He then looked at me, "I don't even know what to do anymore. She's gone."

I rubbed his back pulling him closer to me, "Come here." He smiled putting his arms around me, "I know how you feel." I rubbed circles in his back. "You do?" He mumbled, I could feel the water drops from his eyes going into my shirt, "Yeah. I dated someone for 3 years and they cheated on me. I didn't care though." He let go of me wiping his eyes, "Why didn't you care?" I smiled, "Because I knew how much fun it would be to smash his car." He laughed, "He could drive?" I shrugged, "Yeah, he was 3 years older then me, that should have been flag number 1."

I looked at the sunset, "It sure is beautiful ain't it?" I heard from behind me. I turn around to see Johnny and Pony. I smile, "It sure is. How long have you been standing there?" He shrugged opening the door, "Not long, but long enough to hear your story." Johnny walked out behind him standing next to Soda. I put my arm around Pony, "It's been a long night, I'ma go shower." Soda said walking in.

I looked at Johnny, "Is it true you get beat up at home?" He shrugged. I put my hand on his face moving it to the side. He flinched at first but calm down, "Is that how you got that on your face." For the first time I heard him talk, "Yeah." I dropped my hand. "I had abuse parents too." He nodded, "I know you told us yesterday." I smiled, "I'm trying to say I can relate to you." He smiled looking down. "I think I'm going to stay a while here. Maybe when I move, you can move in too." He looked up at me. "I'll buy you a bed, clothes, shoes, food, everything you might need." He smiled, "Really?" I nodded, "I needed saving too, I never had anyone, I want to save you." He hugged him. "Thank you." I put my arms around his back, "Anytime."

I looked at Ponyboy, "Might as well join in." He smiled, "Ok." He walked over to us.

Steve's P.O.V.

"Man she fits right in." I said, looking out the window. Two-bit and Darry came over and looked out as well. "Yeah she does." Two-bit grinned. "There's something about her that makes us, us." I stated.

"Maybe because she more of a reject then us." Dally said light a cigarette. "Not in the house!" Darry yelled. He rolled his eyes getting up. He walked to the front door.

Rainn, Johnny, and Pony broke their hug and looked at who was walking out. Then they walk in. Johnny was smiling so big. "What's up with big mouth here?" Two-but said laughing giving him a noodie. "Gosh Two," Johnny groans. "I'm happy because Rainn said when she moves, that I can move in with her." I look over at Rainn and she was smiling too.

Two smiled, I can't lie, I was too. Dally walked in standing by the door. Rainn came and sat down next to me, "I'm so tired." I laugh, "How are you tired? You don't even work?" She rolled her eyes punching me in the side. I fall into the couch, "Uh ow."

Soda walked out of the bathroom in only a towel, I hurry and blocked Rainn's eyes, "Sodas there are girls around." He chuckled walking to his room and Rainn pushed my hand, "Really?" I nodded, "I don't want your virgin eye looking at that." She rolled her eyes, "I ain't no virgin." I rise my eyebrow.

"Oh really?" She nodded, "Yeah. We all do things we regret, and that was something, I regret."

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