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Rainn's P.O.V.
(May 22, 1953)

The next few days came when all of us were in our own little worlds about stuff. Everyone in the gangs is getting pissed off about the Socs, they have came to notice all the fights they've had. They are talking about have a rumble, you know the greasers get together and fight against the Socs.

Everyone was either at work or school, but in Dally's case, being a drunk at the bar he lived at and getting into trouble. As for me, I went out to the junk yard that Darry took me too to find my back bumper, and in hopes find it cheap front bumper. I've been thinking about buying a new car, one to race and the other to just have to drive on other days, but that's kinda the lease of my concern right now.

I found Rick and he told me where to go and look. Going through piles upon piles, I finally found what I was looking for. Fortunately it matched my other one that I found last time, but once again need a buff job to it and maybe a paint. I said last time it needed a paint but Soda told me that it would be fine without it. Man just thinking about Soda made me miss him.

It's close to being over 6 days that we haven't talk to each other. We are under the same roof all the time so it doesn't really help the whole thing, it just makes the challenge between us a whole lot harder.
I put the bumper in the back of the T-bird paid for it then drove away.

Getting back to the Curtis' house was a breeze. Just sleeping inside and seeing everyone in the living room made it harder. Everyone's head snap towards me, when they notice and said hi and things but soon went back to what they were doing. Darry cleared his throat from the kitchen, grabbing my attention, then pointed for me to walk over to him.

"What happened?" Darry snapped.
"Huh?" I leaned against the counter.
"You and Soda? What happened?"
"Nothing we just got in an argument."
"He told us you control his life and you said some mean things to him about Sandy."
"Urg, I don't do that. All I was trying to tell him was to get over Sandy, why is that such a bad thing?"
"Soda thinks different from you, what you might think is nothing is huge to him, just like how you think a problem is huge he thinks it's small."
I rolled my eyes crossing my arms, "It's been 6 days, he can get over it."
He shrugged, "This is Soda we are talking about, he won't say sorry."
"Where's Soda?"
"He said he was going to the library," Darry paused rolling his eyes, "but I know for a fact that boy ain't going to no library. He couldn't even finish school."
He nodded.
"Hm." I turned around walking back out of the house.
One thing that I could also do with my powers is get into someone head and read their thoughts, I'm a mind reader. I thought long and hard, not having his figure in front of me makes this also hard.

Finally finding him, I heard the thing that was last said, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I heard the kicking and punching. Laughing and chanting. Some panting too. Then I got a small vision, it was outside in a field, that's the field outside the DX.

I ran as fast as I could in the direction. Running in front of cars, almost taking my own life. I saw from a little way a blue mustang, and a crowd of people. My eyes grew with fury, my veins snapped, black was forming on my arms. I ran over to the crowd, "Hey!" They turned their backs looking at me, "Get off of him." They laughed, one drinking out of the flask. That's the same guy that got me. Again?

I walked up to them, "Did I stutter?" They continued to laugh, "This girl again? Listen princess, why don't you take your self home so you don't get hurt again." He reaches his arm out to push me, just for me to grab it. I twisted it holding it in position, he screamed out in pain dropping his flask. I bent him over giving him a knee to the gut and head, pushing him off balance so he fell.

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