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*idontwannabeyou ~Billie Eilish*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm.
Yes it is playing a Billie eilish song.
Because I love to wake up to her angel like voice.
I'm not a morning person but I think no one is. But I have to go to school. Urgh
So I stand up go to my bathroom, take a shower ( and man I love to take showers) than I get ready for school.

I literally run down to the kitchen to grab a banana and run out of my house.
Well I'm late that's why I'm running.
I drive to school which is pretty close but I have to hurry up cause I'm still running late today I . Ok I mean like almost everyday.
But what can I say I love sleep!

I love many things like music, food, Netflix, books and Shawn Mendes .
Yep I'm a Mendes Stan!!
So I arrived at school and right now I'm standing in front the door to my math class, preparing myself to get in and avoid everyone's eyes.
Easier said than done.
So I knock on the door sneak in and mutter a "sorry" to Miss Scott (my math teacher).

It's not that I'm a shy person or something but it's getting quit embarrassing to be late everyday.
So I sit down in my usual seat next to Valerie.

Val is one of my best friends.
She's almost the same average height as me , 1,65 m.
But we're kinda complete opposites.
She's pale , has short blond wavy hair , gorgeous blue greenish eyes , full lips and a cute nose and a really hot body.
And she wears glasses.


After class I went to my biology class.

Again I was going to sit at my usual desk but when I arrived to my biology class a random boy was sitting on my chair. 

It's weird cause it's not the first day of school or something. I mean we have October and it's Tuesday.
So I don't think that he is a new student.
But he could be because I was not at school yesterday. I skipped school.

Don't take me as a role model kids. 
Not that I am a baddie or something I don't skip school usual just if I am really not feeling it.
So I went to eat breakfast with my BEST FRIEND!! Emma
But we'll get to Emma later. 
Now to that mysterious boy.

I went to my seat and looked to the boy who was sitting on my chair. 

The first thing I thought when I saw him was : DAMNN!!

He was hot.  Like really, really hot.

He has dark brown hair just like me.
Full lips, a cute nose, high cheekbones and ice blue eyes. 
And that smile uhh that smile.
He was talking/laughing to some fellow classmates.

When he saw me standing next to him  his smile vanished.
He looked kinda frozen. 
Then he started looking up and down from my head to my toes and than started again staring at my face.

Now we are just staring at each other. 

To break the silence I said " Um.. sorry but I think you're sitting on my seat."

My voice snapped him out of his gaze and replied "I .. ehh... I was sitting here yesterday too and I didn't know that .. ehm .. sorry I will move."

"No no it's actually fine I just saw this desk next my usual one is free so it's ok."

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself", he said with a kind smile, "
I'm Aiden , Aiden Kings. I just moved to Seattle a few days ago and started yesterday at this school. "

I am  shaking his hand that he was holding towards me while I introducing myself.

" I'm Layla , Layla Queens"

He looked at me confused when I started laughing.

"No I'm just kidding my name is Layla Benson"

We both started to laugh.

"So you're in my biology class?"

" Yes I am. I was just not at school yesterday."

"Can I know were you where?"

"No it's a secret." I said sarcastically.

"Wait are you a teen-spy who's working for the FBI ? Or did you just skipped school? "

I began than I motioned him to lean closer so I could whisper him my reply
".... you'll never know ."

He looked at me and visibly gulp.
We stared at each other for another 10 seconds and than we both started laughing again.

I like Aiden. He made a good first impression.

Before Aiden and I could joke around some more our biology teacher Mr.Lee came in.

When our class ended Aiden stood up and that's when I realized that he is very tall and has a really muscular body.
That made him even more attractive.
I snapped out of my admiration before he could catch me staring at him. 


Then I headed to Latin (don't ask me why I picked that stupid class) and than music.

Aiden is in my music class as well. Just like Valerie.

I introduced both of them to each other. 


Valerie and I waited for Beth and Emma at my locker. 
My locker is our usual meeting point.

When we all met we headed to the cafeteria.
We sat down at our unsigned table.

You can call us kinda popular not because of our beauty or money no because of our personalities.
People like us because we don't pretend we are who we are and don't change. 
So yeah we are known but we still prefer to hang out in our small group of four. 

So Beth is again one of my closest friends.
She has mid-long light brown hair with beautiful hazel eyes.
She's the sporty one in our group with a stunning body and she is a bit taller than us all. 

And then there's Emma.
My best friend.
We know each other since elementary school and she's my neighbor across the street. 
She has curly blond her and light brown eyes, really full lips and an average body. She's also a bit taller than me.   

And then there's me , Layla.
I'm how I said about 1,65 m high , i have dark brown hair with dark brown eyes, an average face and an average body. 
The only "special" thing about me are my cheek bones that's it.
So yeah I look pretty normal but my life is not as boring as I look. 
( not that I don't like the way I look I appreciate myself how everyone should )

So here I am sitting in the cafeteria with my close friends.

Everything seems normal but no one knows what really goes on in my     

My perfectly different life...

Ahhh ok I just wrote the first chapter of my first book.
This chapter was just to give u a little impression of the characters and a bit of Layla's personality.
In the next chapter a secret will be reviled.
Layla's secret.
And of course Aiden is going to show up as well!!


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