"Let's play"

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Well the dinner was pretty funny.

Everything went good even though Emma was with us.

I mean we couldn't talk about spy stuff.

Right now Ashton, Emma and Aiden are in my room.

"Man I'm full" Ashton groans.

"Yeah me too. That was delicious " Aiden adds.

Emma and I just throw ourselves onto my bed and and let an "mhmm" out. 

"So should we play a game ?" Emma suggests. 

Aiden and I look at each other and shrug.

"O let's play truth or dare. " I'm shook when I hear that the offer comes from Ashton. 

We all agree and start to play.

"Emma you should start. I mean it was your idea to play. "

"Oki.  I chose Aiden. Truth or dare?"


"Ok let me think.   
Oh you have climb into Layla's room from the front yard"

My eyes widen by the thought that Aiden could get hurt. 

But guess what. Yep he already agreed.

The boys are walking in front of us when I whisper to Emma "Are you stupid. Aiden could get hurt. "

"Are you concerned about him?" She says with a dumb teasing smile.
"No worries. He can do it. "

I left my window open and now we are standing in my front yard.

Aiden and I share a last look.  He just winks at me and smirks.

The next thing I know is that he is in my room.

That was fast.


Emma and Ashton head back to my room but I decide to take Aidens way.

I am just as fast as Aiden was.

When I climb through my window I can't see anyone.

Then I look at my right and see Aidens face that is very close to mine.

But it's not a romantic moment like in the movies because I haven't expected him there.

He scared me.

And I jumped. 

Not out of the window.

I jumped up and landed on the floor.

Yup I crashed into my floor in front of Aiden.

When I turn onto my back while I'm still laying on the floor I see Aiden kneeing next to me.

"Are you ok?"

"If you would've not scared the life out of me I would do better. But thanks for asking. "

He chuckels and helps me up.

We stare at each other and smile.

"Wait where are Emma and Ashton?"

"I don't know. But to be honest I don't really care right now."

Aiden and I get closer to each other.

We stop when our faces are 2 inches away from one another.

I feel his breath getting heavy and his eyes falling on my lips.

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