Knock Knock

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Tuesday 9:00 am.

I am sitting in a van on my way to the main office.

This mission is going to be tricky.

The FBI thinks I'm going to sneak into the Royals warehouse.

But I will walk into it right next to Ryan Royal.

The moment we arrive I am greeted by Ashton, Aiden and Dan.

"Hello boys "

They all nod and say hello.

"So Layla you know this is going to be hard?" Dan is the one asking.

"I wouldn't define it as hard. More like adventures. "

He just shakes his head and hands me then my watch.

"So you know we keep in contact with you through your watch. But we also know that the conference room will be just like a track free safe. That means our devices could get useless and you only will be able to contact us again when your out of the room. "

I nod because that's what I thought would happen.

Dan, Ashton and I talk more about the plan. How I have to get in which way I should take and some more.

I will be on my own from the gates that means I have to sneak my way in so the FBI won't get suspicious.

After our 30 min talk and planning I head to my vehicle.

Before I could open the door Aiden stand behind so I can see his reflection on my window.

"Hey" is all I say.

"Layla... I .. " he rubs his face with one hand before he continues talking, " Be careful and Good luck. "

I know he wants to say something else but I'm happy that he's not confusing me right know.

"Thank you Mr. Kings but we know that I don't need luck. " I give him a smirk.

This makes him smile.

He nods and steps back.

I give him a last smile and get into my car.

I drive off and check myself for the last time in the mirror.

"Today is going to be a long day Layla."

Yes I am talking to myself. I am highkey stressed.

The first think I do is changing my clothes at a gas station far from the main office.
I have black tied leggings with a dark purple tied sweatshirt on and of course my belt for all my weapons and items. I am putting on black jeans, beige T-shirt and black sneakers.

I hurry because my watch is tracking me till I entered the building of the Royals.

I step out of my car a bit far away from the gates and walk the rest.
My hair is in natural waves and are bouncing up and down my back.

I check myself for the last time before I ring the bell.

After a few second they open wide and I enter the Royals land.

I walk to the building that is humongous.
Black stone with white windows and a big wooden door.

The door is opened by a maid before I can have a chance to grab the door handle.

"Hello, you must be miss lee "
The lady who opened up the door greets me the sweetest way ever but you are on a mission Layla and know that she's working for one of the biggest mafia concerns.

Layla Where stories live. Discover now