"Y-you are c-cru-shing on-n..."

700 16 0

I am not dreaming.

I already pinched myself but nope I'm awake.

And he is standing in front of me.


Aiden freaking Kings.

Oh and he knows that I'm working for the FBI and I assume he does too cuz I see his ID.

He just gives me a small smile while I'm still dumbfounded looking at him.

"Layla are you ok?"

I snap back to reality.

"Yes I'm fine but I wouldn't expect to see you here "

"Yeah well I could say the same thing but I am not suprised to see you here. I mean I asked Ashton how he knows you and then he told me that you are Layla, my partner for this mission. "

Now I just staring at him.

Trying understand what he is saying but nope.

It still feels like a joke.

"Wait you are going to be my partner AND you are Ashton's step brother ?"

"Yes and Yes "

"Wow ...", than I do the first polite thing that pops into my mind ," Hello my name is Layla Benson and I am one of Elite-Teen-Assasins at the FBI. I have my own team and I'm proud to say that we are the most successful team right now "

What ?!

I just introduced myself to my partner.

He grabs my hand and shakes it.

"Hella Miss Benson. I am Aiden Kings and I am the youngest spy with the most success at the FBI right now. I worked in Texas till next week. Now I am at Seattle and I'm going to start my hardest but best mission ever with the best partner I could think of. "

We smile at each other and then the elevator doors open.

We get out and see Agent B looking at us.

"We already met"Aiden informs Agent B.

"Well good cause you will have to spend 2 months witch each other and than start to live in one apartment for 3 three months , less or more. "

I completely forgot about that.

Aiden and I share a look and then I see him smirking.

That little ....

"But now you both can go home.
But you have to meet everyday.
You'll train and work together.
Be here at 3 pm tomorrow with all your stuff but for today you have free ."

We walk out of the building.

"You lied."

"Excuse me ?"

"You lied to me Layla ."


"On Tuesday. I asked you if you were a teen-spy and you said no "

"Well actually I am not a spy. I am an elite-teen-assasin. So I haven't lied to you"

"Nope I don't accept that excuse."

"Ok have can you forgive me " I look at him with big eyes.

"We are going to eat ice cream Miss Benson"

He holds his elbow towards me to slide my arm through his.

I take his offer and we land on the same place like yesterday.

Layla Where stories live. Discover now