"Am I that intimidating"

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The next day

I arrived at school on time today.

But I couldn't really sleep.

My mind just wouldn't shut up and I was so ready to become a spy.


The day went fast by and now I am sitting on my seat in the cafeteria.

I'm sitting alone cause I forgot to wait at my locker. 

I was almost done with lunch when I see a angry Emma stomping towards me.

„Where the hell where you!!
I was waiting for you about 15 min at your locker!! The others got bored and left me ! „

I don't know what stopped her from yelling at me but her angers Face looked suddenly concerned.

"Layla is everything alright?"

"Yeah why?"

"I don't know but you look exhausted. I thought yesterday you had a easy job?"

"I'm not exhausted , I am just thinking. Well I got news for you."

"Are the news bad or good?"

"The news are actually good but I don't how I am gonna handle them."

"Soo.. " she started curious.

"Soo do you wanna skip the rest of the day so we can go eat ice cream and I can tell you about it ?"

Her eyes started to fill with excitement and she said " I would love to but we skipped a whole day this week already and I don't wanna fail school so I have to pass. You aren't going to cause I won't let you miss more education."

"Yeah ok I will see you in study haul" ,
I say and give her my other sandwich and a water bottle , " You missed lunch because of me so take that"

We hug and say our goodbyes.


On my way to my locker after P.E. I don't pay attention and run into someone. Now my sports clothes are on the floor. 

When I look up to see into who I ran I see Aiden.

I saw him in biology and music today but we didn't talked that much.

"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologize.

"No problem" he says while he helps me picking up my clothes from the floor.

"Hey are you ok? You look tired"

"Yeah I just slept bad"

We stand their in awkward silence when I decide to break the it.

"I would love to talk to you some more but I have to go to my next class, bye"

"Yeah of course me too"

I was about to walk away when he suddenly grabs my wrist lightly.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh um sorry I just wanted to ask you if you're free today. I mean after school. But if you're not I get it. Actually sorry you probably don't wanna go somewhere.."

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