"Hold on

402 11 2

Well , you guessed it.

There he is.


Ethan Preston.

Ethan mf Preston.

My boyfriend.

And he's an CIA agent.

Holy .....

"Ethan....?" That's all I can say.

At the sound of my voice he looks up and our eyes meet.

And at this moment his eyes widen.

"Layla ?? But ....?"

Agent M coughs "I guess you know each other ?"

"Ehm yes Agent M. We do " Ethan clears up.

"Yes Sir. " I verify.

"And May I ask how you know each other "

Before Ethan can speak up I answer Agent M without breaking eye contact with Ethan.

"Mutual friends. We are the same age, remember?" I add a smile to my lie and finally look at Agent M. 

"That's actually good because you and Aiden will work with him as undercover agents in 3 weeks. So Mr.Preston would you hand Agent L her badge ?"

"Of course. "

Ethan walks up to me and stops two foot away. He looks me deep in the eye before handing me my badge.

"Congratulations Ms.Benson "

"Thank you," I look at him and put on a fake smile ," Sir."

His face cringes at the word "sir" but he keeps his face straight.

He walks to his spot.

My parents and co-workers hug and congratulate me.

For a quick second Ethan and my eyes meet and we both nod to signal each other that we are going to talk.

Oh boy.....


I left after all the hugs to change my clothes because I was still in my sweaty sports wear. I don't know why they haven't let me change before handing me the badge I mean I felt and still feel disgusting.

I take off my T-shirt and toss it into my bag.

Just when I was about to take off my sports bra I turn around and choke someones neck. I felt the presence of a person and to grab their neck is my first reflex.  I don't have to look into this persons face to know who it is.


"Nice to see again too "

I let him go and sigh.

I don't know why but I'm kinda upset bc he hasn't told me that he's an CIA agent.


"Only a dry hi?"

I look at him , force a smile and say "hi" a bit cheerfuller.

He rolls his eyes.

"Wow. My girlfriend is a freaking agent. " he kinda laughs.

"And my boyfriend is a fucking CIA Agent. " I look at him and we both burst out into laughter.

I stand up from the bench I was sitting on and hug him.

"That's the best surprise ever. I don't have to hide anything from you from now on. " he says while rubbing my back and hugging me even tider.

"Yeah I'm kinda glad that you ain't a bad boy. "

Layla Where stories live. Discover now