"Do you guys know each other ?"

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If you haven't guessed it.
I just caught León in our living room.
My brother.

"Why are you sneaking around like a robber ?"

"I wasn't sneaking around. I just wanted to surprise you guys."

"Well your appearance is actually surprising " my dad admits a bit sleepy.

My brother just smiles at his answer.

We look at each other for a second and hug León at the same time.

"I heard that you accomplished your mission successfully, congratulations honey", my mom hugs him even tider ,"but don't scare mommy ever again, ok

"Yes ma'am. I can't breath mom. "

Now I'm in my bed and can't sleep again. I look at my phone and see that Aiden texted me.

I text him back

sorry I was at Emma's.

I was about to leave my phone when I saw a text from Aiden.

No problem.
Why u still up. Can't you sleep , again?

I don't know why but I have to smile.

Yeah can't sleep again.
And u?
Can't u sleep cuz your blanket doesn't covers your whole body?

Wait what??

I am always wondering how tall ppl sleep I mean I can barely cover my whole body and I'm kinda small.
So answer my question.

No it's not bc of my blanket/height prob.
Layla ur really one of a kind.

Yeah ppl tell me that a lot.

Well I don't wanna keep u up.

Yeah we should sleep


I just realized what I wrote and I bet I would blush if I could.

I mean it's late and tmrw is school and we should head to sleep in our own beds and I'm messing up more and more.
Am I ?

No ur not I get it haha
Good night Lee💙

Night Sir Kings💗

I slept amazing that night.


So today is Thursday and I'm not late , thank god.

Guess who is in my math class.
yup it's Ashton.

"Hi Leyla "

"Hi Ashton. What's up?"

"Nothing just trying find my classes for the next periods. "

"I can help you. What do you have next?"

"Well biology than PE, French, lunch, art and than service"

Layla Where stories live. Discover now