"End of my life"

630 13 1

The week is over.

My normal life is over.

I'm over.

Oh damn I want to do this mission I mean I have to but why do I have to give up everything.

I just have had thought more about it. It is hitting me now how painful and hard this is.

And the worst part is I was off the whole week because of everything. I couldn't even enjoy or have fun that's so rude.

But I have to get over it because I cannot go back for Gods sake.

No turning back.

Oh damn it.


I look up from my desk and see Emma leaning against my door.


"Are you Good ?"

"Yes, I am fine" nope I'm lying but I have to be fine.

"Imma drop it cause you wouldn't tell me or yourself it anyway. But I came to kidnap you "

I look confused at my blond curly best friend.

"Dress up warm and be outside in 5 minutes " with that she walks out of my room.

I slowly stand up and see myself in the mirror. Dark blue joggers, a white lose shirt from Ethan and fuzzy pink socks.

I sigh because I have to change into other clothes but at least I won't get insane alone in my room at Saturday night two days before my life-changing mission.


After 3 minutes I walk down the stairs with black jeans and a dark red hoodie from Ethan duh.

I put on my black Air Force and look at the little mirror that is right above the shoe shelf.

The face staring back at me looks exhausted. Dark circles under my eyes, dry skin , tired eyes and pale.

Wow I'm hot.

It's been rough this week because I have to train 8 hours after school from Tuesday till Friday.
Monday I was at Logan's. Weird but still the only fun I had this... what 4 months.

I mean except of not seeing Ethan my boyfriend because he is as busy as me even more this week, trading hard , being done physically and mentally everything is great.

Oh jez Layla stop being so annoying with you sad sarcastic pep talk and walk out.

I look down the way to the street and look up first when I feel someone standing in front of me.

When I look up I expected Emma or even Ashton but not my boyfriend.
I repeat my boy Ethan.

"Ethan!" Is the only thing before I jump on him.

"I missed you too babe " he pulls out of the hug and kisses me deep.

I needed this more than I thought. His lips on mine and his warmth around me cured everything I had on my mind for a moment.
It was a much need action that helped us both.
I knew it when he looked into my dark eyes after the kiss.

His green serpentine eyes said it all.

"Not that i am complaining but what are you doing here. You told me you have to do something today. "
But then I realize that I am the something.

He just smiles and perks another kiss on my lips.

"Jump in "

"Oki "

Layla Where stories live. Discover now