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Mother trucking ...

"Ethan!! You scared the crap out of me!" I get out of my car and slap Ethan's arm.

"Ouch! That hurt " but there is no sight of pain in his expression. Just a cocky smirk.
"Hey I missed you , come here "

He hugs but I pull away to talk.

"Did you know about it ? That you have to go and I ? Me ? Layla known as lee ? Is going to take your position?"

He just hugs me again instead of responding.

That little...

"Ethan!! Why haven't you told me that !! We would've had found a way to keep you close to me " I say my voice representing my sadness.

"I am not going anywhere babe "
He whispers into my hair.

"What is that suppose to mean now?" I look at him confused.

" I talked to Mr.Royal if he could keep me and make you my co.partner at the box office", he smiles soft and starts creasing my left cheek ," that means we can work our mission as planed in a apartment near the warehouse of the Royals "

In 3 weeks my spying mission starts in which I have to start working in the warehouse for the Royals with my Agent partner Aiden. Well the FBI der it all up cause I am working for them since my birth basically.

But what they don't know is that I train separate in a box club where I entered illegal street fights, named a fake name and made myself a hot boyfriend who has the working for the CIA.

"And Ryan Royal really agreed with you ?" I am still in disbelief.

"Yes, Layla I am staying and actually his wife helped because my girlfriend talked to her about us " he looks at my lips by the word "girlfriend "

It's so weird because I'm his girlfriend but he never really asked me out but actually no asking out needed.

Ethan looks at me through his long lashes with his darkened green eyes. "And I forgot to tell you that love your hair like this " he tells me while taking my waves into his big soft hands.

I just close my eyes lean into his chest and breath his fresh minty and herby smell in.

After a minute we part about an inch just to meet our eyes and than to get close again but for this time to connect our lips.

The kiss is soft and gently but the long for more is strong on both sides.
Not after a long time the kiss gets deeper and I open my mouth to let him enter. Between the breathtaking kiss we smile and slightly chuckle at our childish behavior.
But I did really miss being close to him.

We part from one another "Do you have plans for the rest of the day Agent L ?"

My smile that I had on without realizing I'm having just widened. But then dropped immediately.

"Shut, I have to meet up with my crew discuss what happened at the meeting. They think I snuck in and recorded it all but little did they know ..." I just shake my head.

"My Baby tricking her Job ?? Bad Lee" he smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek "you are lucky that I can join every meeting
I want in the FBI well every meeting connected to my mission. "

"Hop in Cowboy " he lets a small laughter out and takes the passenger seat.

I drive And drop him off at his place and make my way to the main office.

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