"...Let's fight"

470 11 3

It's Saturday.

I am in a diner and I'm eating breakfast.

Pancakes with strawberries.

I left Emma in my room.

I texted my mom that I am out for food.

I know it's childish to run away from confrontation but I am just not ready.

Emma didn't do anything too bad but it still hurt me.

And I'm not ready to talk about my "problems".

So I just sit in this diner.
Without sleep.
Without a clear head.

Wow ok that got deep. 

Before I left me room I took my sports gear.

I pay my barely touched pancake and leave.

I don't drive to the FBI main center.

I drive to a box club that I saw when I was on a mission about three months ago.

It's in a little bit dangerous area but how I said.
I love putting myself into danger.

Yup I was right.  The box club is still here.

It looks like a garage but I see the box club sign and the trophies through the small dirty window.

I walk in.

It looks better than I expected.

I am standing in a kinda lobby and a guy walks in.

"Miss , are you lost ?"

"Well I am looking for a box club. "

"I am the owner of this box club. Are you looking for someone?"

"No , I want to join" 

"Ehm , no offense but we are a bit different than the other clubs "

"What do you mean by different?"

"We are a normal box club but we also have street fights.  Their not always that legal. "


"Oh....", I frown but ," that's perfect."

I know I am working for the FBI but I also know that I can't fight without the permission of Agent M.

So a little bit of training and a few fights that are not logged are awesome.

"Wait are you sure ?" 

"Yes Sir. By the way I'm Lee"

Obviously I am not gonna tell them my real name.

"Ok than Lee. I am Jake. "

"So can I start to train ?"

"Yeah actually yes. Do you need some help?"

"Nope. But I think your still not convinced that I can fight. You can watch or fight against me. "

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