"Let it out Woman!!"

759 22 2

I freeze.

I can't move.

I would never ever believe that he is my partner.

Out of million humans why he?


The Ashton  Scott.

My childhood crush.

Yup you heard right.

I can't stand here shook I need to tear myself up.

"Hello Ashton. How have you been?"

"Drop the act Layla. I'm just as unhappy as you. I wanted to work alone not with an amateur."

"Mom?" I say innocently.

"Yes Layla"

"Can I punch him? hard"


"But mom"

"Layla take it serious. " Agent M interrupts my attempt to hurt Ashton.

"Urgh .. yes Sir.
Wait but I didn't knew that Ashton is a spy. I thought that he is a IT kid.  Like Dan."

"Who said that Ashton is your partner. He is going to be the IT Kid on your team for this mission."  Agent M explains.

"So I have to work with Mister Jerk", i say pointing at Ashton," and mister anonymous?"

"When you describe it like that. Yes , yes you have to work in that team. "

"Well that sounds like fun" I ironically cheer.

"When am I going to meet my partner?"

"Don't be so impatient Layla you'll get to know him soon."
I think Agent M is messing with me.

"Fine but can I please not work with Ashton now. I don't wanna spend time with him alone. It would be a waste. I will wait till Sir I'm too cool to show up , shows up"

"Ashton's Step brother will be your Partner. "

"At least I got an information. Thanks "

You may ask yourself why I hate Ashton that much. Well actually I don't really hate him. I just don't really like him. 
Well we know each other since we are kids.
In second grade I had a crush on him.
I confessed my "love" and he laughed in my face but that's not the reason why.
He's an asshole.

He plays with girls more than I eat ice cream.

But I have to admit Ashton is hot.
If his personality would be as handsome as his looks I would be head over toe in love with him. But his personality sucks.

He has blond soft hair and beautiful hazel eyes and damn his smile is everything. When he smile cute little dimples appear on both of his cheecks. 
And his high cheekbones complete the beauty of his face.
He's very tall but not as tall as Aiden.

Wait why am I comparing him to Aiden.

I mean I'm not crushing on him. I barely know him.

Yeah he's cute and hot and I loved spending time with him but I'm not crushing on him.

Or am I?

I have to talk to Emma about Aiden.

But back to Ashton. 
He's tall and muscular and he plays football or something.

He used to go to my school but he moved 2 1/2 years ago.

"Wait I have one question.
Did Ashton move back here?"

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