"I'm sweating."

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It's finally Friday.

This week was so eventful.

So first Ethan and I got really close, I am good with all my friends again even Aiden, my motivation for school is so high and of course I started to work on my newest and most exciting mission ever.

But now I am writing a biology exam.

I can't believe that it's December.

Time passed so fast these two months.

But Layla turn your thoughts down and focus on biology.

I know I could pass this exam blind folded but I want to do my best.

After the exam

"Hey Layla"

"Hi Ash. What's up"

"Not much. How are you?"

"Good. Really good actually "

We stay in silence for a few seconds.

"Ashton do you want to tell me something?"

"Actually I want to ask you something " he scratches his neck nervously.

I look at him and wait for him to speak up.

"Are you going to ask me or ...?"

"Right. Right. Ehm so can you help me?"

"I can't read your mind. You have to specify yourself. "

"Ok. So I want to surprise Emma. Well I want to ask her out. "




"AHHHHHHH" I hug him and almost start to cry.

"Hey Layla slow down "

"I am just so happy that my girl has a boy that treats her how she should be. ", I stop with my dramatic reacting and step closer to Ashton," but if you mess up, Break her heart or hurt her feelings , I will break your neck. You heard me ?!"

He backed off and raised his hands in defense "I got it and I promise not to make her sad "

"Good. Let's plan than ."


So Latin was boring as hell and music was kinda fun.

Actually i am not that hungry so I decide to do some homework in the library.

Valeria joined me.

20 minutes passed when Valerie speaks up.

"Do you like Aiden?"

"Define like"

"I mean as a friend ?"

"Yeah I guess , why?"

"No I'm just asking. "

I look at her suspicious.

"When you say so.." I continue with my work. But than I stop and ask Valerie something.

"Do you like Aiden?"

I see her tensing at my question.

"Do you mean as a friend?"

"No . I mean as like like "

"No what no ?!" She makes a grossed face. " what the frick. Layla I asked you because I was a curious . "

"Why ?"

"Did you forget what happened at the fair?"

Well Valerie was right I kinda overreacted in front of her.

Layla Where stories live. Discover now