"It was too simple"

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My cousins and I work for the FBI. But not as teen-spy's , we work there as a young elite group.

You know the FBI tends to wear tones of guns a uniform and mask.
But we're kinda like little assasins.

I started my training when I was 3 years old.
Two years before my cousins.
Because my mom is the leader of our area, León and I had to start early.

Elena, Jenna and I are the strongest and best Team of our age group.

But we also have to fly out of town and sometimes even out of the country because of our work.

Today we have to fly to Portland which is about 20 min away from Seattle with a plan. 

"Are you ready." Elena asks Jenna and me. 

"I'm ready."

"Oh I was born ready" i say with a smirk. 


We land in Portland and are immediately met with other FBI agents.

We go to the control center and see Dan.

Dan is the IT technician.

He builds and created stuff for us.

He is tall with blond hair and brown eyes.
He's about 17 just like us. 

"Hello girls. Today is important cause you're going to steal top secret files from the Royals. 
The biggest gang in the USA.
They do have legal trades but also illegal shipments.
And today you are going to copy these illegal trades. "

"Nice to see you too , Dan" I say with a smile.

Dan ignores my sarcastic comment and hands us a picture from the gang leader.

I've seen this picture a couple of times because my brother and I started about 2 years ago with gang stuff.

Elena, Jenna and I are a official teams since last year.

But I have to work sometimes with my brother and even my mom but mainly with my team.

I do work alone but not for gangs. 
Only for robbers or little things like that.

"A driver will drop you guys 200 m away from the building "

"Why can't we drive alone"Jenna asks. 

"Yeah it wouldn't be the first time and I love it when Layla drives. I always feel like in Fast and Furious."

"I feel honored to hear that Elena.  And yeah why can't I drive?"

"Well you can but other Agents prefer to be driven"

"Well I drive rather by my own"


We arrived 200 m away from the building.
Now we tie our hair and put our bandannas on.
We didn't wanted to wear masks cause their kinda uncomfortable so we diced to wear bandannas.

Elena has a dark pink bandanna with the usual pattern.
Jenna has a dark green one with a fire pattern. 
I have a black one with a skull print. 

20 min later

Now we are standing on the roof of the building.
It was easy Elena climbed up and threw a rope down. 

"Elena goes first. You go to the camera room", I say pointing to a room on the building plan, " and I think you know what you have to do"

She nods with a smile. 

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