"I don't have time for that"

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Today is Friday.

This week was fine.

I was distant to everyone.

I think I needed distance.

Right now I'm good.

And I'm getting ready to meet Valerie

I missed spending time with her and we are going to the fair.

I love the fair. The adrenaline that pumps harder through my veins. The cold sweaty palms.

I love putting myself into danger.

I picked dark blue jeans, a black long sleeves top and black shoes.
On top of it I put on my black jacket and a grey scarf.

Today is gonna be fun.


"Hey gurl!"

"Hey , I missed you!"

"Layla, I saw you in school today. That was 3 hours ago" she laughs.

"You know what I mean. I missed hanging out with you and I missed the fair. "

We smile and head to the inside of the fair.

1h later

"That was amazing !!"

"Omg yes but can we first grab something to eat. I'm starving " Valerie pleases while she holds her stomach.

"Sure "

Valerie buys herself cotton candy.

I don't really like cotton candy so I get myself strawberries with chocolate on top of it.

"Oh look who's here" Valerie points behind me.

I turn around to look who she is pointing at.

When I see the person I stop breathing.
And living.

It feels like someone rips my heart out of my chest and puts it into a mixer. Turns the mixer on max and makes a bloody smoothie with my heart. But then takes the smoothie and throws it out of a plane and lets it splash on to the ground.

Yup that's how I feel.

Cause right now I see Aiden.

With a girl.

Holding hands.

Probably on a date.

But the worst part is where Aiden and my eyes meet.

I don't even try to read his expression. I just turn around and go.

I feel Valerie following me.

I don't know why but I thought that Aiden likes me and I just allowed myself to develop feelings for him.

Maybe it was a sign from the universe. That we never were meant to be.

I stop at the water slide and start breathing again.

"Layla , are you ok ? What happened ? Was it Aiden ?"

I can't talk. Can't form words. So I put my finger up and signal her to wait.

When my breathing is steady again I open my mouth and close it again. On my second try words come out of my mouth.

"I'm .....fine" I smile weak.

Layla Where stories live. Discover now