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After a while the doctors came out and said "she's alright now, we just have to do some last checks and then she's able to go" I then nodded and went in, when I went in I said "now both of us are are in pain" she then looked at me and giggled, I really liked that giggle of her's, she then said "ye I guess you can say that" I then looked at her and said "this is all my fault, I shouldn't have let you out that door, I shouldn't have been on Jay's side, you are more important than him" she then looked at me and said "he's your best friend, you can't just leave him like that" I then nodded and she said "come over here I need to kiss you" and so I did, I cupped her face with my hands and I kissed her, I kissed her like it was the end of the world because I missed her, I really needed her, a few hours later the doctor's came in and said "y/n now you're alright, we've checked you and now you can go" she then said "ok thank you" and they left

After they took all the tubes off we got out I called Cam to come and pick us up she looked at me and said "I'm sorry I crushed your car" I then looked at her and said "that car was a piece of junk and anyways you're more important than a car" she then smiled and she hugged me. I was happy that she was alright, I really was and I wanted to show her how happy I was

Cam drove me and y/n home, we weren't expecting anyone but the second y/n walked through the door everyone apart from Jay which wasn't there rushed over to her and said "y/n are you okay?" She then said "ye I'm alright now" and they looked relieved when she said that Swagger than said "Mason now both you and her have a few cuts and bruises, but that makes you a cute couple, in some ways" Cam then said while chuckling "swag everything that comes out of your mouth makes a few things worse" and then everyone started laughing

Y/n then said "I'm going to the bed for a bit, I feel really tired sorry" I then said "don't be sorry, go on I'll come in a bit" the guys than said "bye, night" to her while she went up the stairs, Jaren then asked "what the fuck happened?" Ezra than said what happened and all the boys said "oh fuck"

I then said "ye guys I'm also going up to y/n, Cam if this house is set on fire, its gonna be your fault, cya guys" they then said "cya" and some of them left

Time skip

Your pov:
I woke up with every part of my body aching, but I should've expected it. I fucked up, I shouldn't have gotten drunk and I shouldn't have driven, now Mason doesn't have car and its all my fault. I guess Mason must've seen I was awake because he said "you're awake now beautiful, you okay" I then said while looking at him "I'm alright, you?" He then said "I'm alright but you're more important than me"

After that we didn't say anything else so instead we just started cuddling while watching Brooklyn nine nine, after about 15episodes we decided to get something to eat so we called "pizza express" and we ordered pizza, i ordered a margarita pizza while Mason choose a pepperoni pizza, after an hour or so someone knocked on the door so Mason went down stairs to check who it was and came back up with pizza, we decided to eat in the bedroom because we couldn't be bothered to move plus we wanted to carry on watching Brooklyn nine nine

We basically stayed in the whole day eating pizza and watching Brooklyn nine nine but I fell asleep through season 2 episode 6 with Mason spooning me, I couldn't have felt more safe than that
______________________________________Im really sorry that this chapter was really short, I'm just running out of ideas but also because I've published 2 new books one is called "betrayed-Ezra" and the other one is called "McCreamy X reader", I hope you'll go and read them if you don't that's totally fine

Thank you so much for 1k reads, that means the world to me, honestly thank you so much❤️

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