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Jay's pov
I woke up and checked my phone to see it was 6am, I turned my body hoping that y/n would be next to me, like the old times, but it wasnt like that, there was a girl completely naked next to him, I then saw I was also naked, it didn't suprise me anymore because since y/n broke up with me I've done nothing but get wasted or high hoping I could go back in life and change everything i did

'wait what I'm I on about, I've changed, and it's for the best, I had to do what I had to do just to save her, I needed to change because even if I protected her, she would have still killed y/n, one way or another, if y/n just knew the decisions I had to make for her to be alive'

I stood up and I went to the bathroom, I saw myself in the shattered mirror that I punched few days ago, I had dark circles under my eyes, I decided to get ready to go on a walk, I wished y/n knew that I never cheated on her, the texts from the girls, I payed a few of my friends which are girls to say all of that shit, just so that she could hate me or either way she would be dead

I decided to put on my black hoodie with my black jeans and my white vans, I put the hood up and I walked out of the house, leaving the naked girl to get ready and leave

It was raining and not many people were outside, they were mostly in cars, I needed to go and meet with the one person that made me break y/n's heart

I was able to arrive to the destination she gave me and I saw her sitting on the bench, looking at the river, I went behind her while looking at the lifeless trees

"What do you want?" I asked

"Did you do it?" She asked still looking at the river

"Yes" I said

"Good, now she's safe, see all you had to do was make her hate you and then I just needed to get one of my men to go and injury her" she said

"That wasn't part of the fucking plan" I shouted at her

"At least she's not dead" at this point she stood up and had turned my way "it was you're fault to get with her" she then said

"Why's that?" I asked

"You shouldn't have broken up with me and nothing would have happened" she said

"I had to make her hate me so that you wouldn't kill her, injuring her wasn't part of the motherfucking plan" I shouted "how did you do it cunt?" I asked

"She was at a club, while she was drinking one of my friends was able to put a drug in her drink while she wasn't noticing" she said calmly

"Fuck you, just go to fucking hell" I said while walking away

"Oh and one more thing" she said and when i turned around she said "you're mine now" and everything went black when I hit the cold wet floor

Your pov
I was in bed and Mason went to grab us something to eat, and as I was flicking through Instagram stories I passed Chad's story 'anything4views' and one caught my eyes so I went back to see if my mind was playing tricks on me and I hoped it was just some cruel tricks but sadly it wasn't, and there he was kissing another girl, tears started streaming down my face, anger came over me and I threw the phone away before shouting "you fucking cunt", I didnt want to be here when he came back so I went and picked up my phone and i called Ezra

*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*

"Hey y/n, you okay?" He asked

"Not really could you please come pick me, I can't stay another minute here, please" my voice started to crack

"What's wrong??" He asked worrying

"I'll explain later but please come pick me up before he comes back" I said as more tears were streaming down my face

"I'll be there in a bit, hold on tight" he said before hanging up, as I was finishing packing up a few clothes to take away with me, someone opened the came through the front door, after a few moments I heard someone walking up the stairs, Mason

When he entered the bedroom "hey baby I got some food" he said, sounding happy, but I didn't respond "baby what's wrong?" He asked

"You fucking cunt" I shouted at him

"What did I do?" Mason asked, shocked

"Look at Chad's fucking story Mason" I said

But he didn't instead he looked to the floor, sadness appearing in his face

"I was drunk as fuck y/n and Chad brought a girl over to me not knowing that I'm dating you and made me kiss her" he said as his voice was cracking

"Save it Mason, I had enough" I said trying to hold back the tears

"Please baby don't leave me, please I can't live without you" he said as teras began rolling down his cheeks

"You should have thought of that before you kissed that girl and got Chad to take a pic of it" I said while I was rushing past him

"Y/n please don't leave me" he said but ignored him and went downstairs because Ezra texted me saying that he was here as I opened the door, Ezra was there, and Mason followed "baby pls don't leave me, I didn't mean to do that" he said

Ezra got out of the car "Mason just stop, maybe next time don't get drunk" I said as I turned back to look at him, I couldn't hold it in anymore and tears started to roll down my cheeks

As I walked with Ezra to his car I heard Mason say "y/n, baby don't leave me, I love you" but I was already in the car with my window rolled up as Ezra switched on the car I looked at Mason and I looked at him one last time, his eyes were red and tears were racing down his cheeks, his shirt was already damp and I looked away because I couldn't look at him anymore like that, it hurt me seeing him in that state but what he did hurt me more
Sorry that's it's been ages since I've aploaded but I hope you like this chapter

Since I'm very stupid I forgot to give credits to TobyTheToblerone for inspiring me for this chapter. Go check him out cus he's pretty good at writing

Thank you guys so much for 2k reads, I love you all

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