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Cam answered the phone before quickly walking out onto the balcony, he soon came back a few minutes later and said "I'm sorry but I've gotta go, cya later guys, bye y/n" he said as he came up to me and hugged before quickly leaving

"Bye Cam" I said before he quickly shut the door.

Cam's pov
"Have you been smoking again?" I asked him as I got out of the car

He jumped before quickly looking up at me from his house step, "I mean like when do I not smoke?" He asked

"Mason come on, don't be like this" I said

"Why cam why?" He asked as he stood up and walked over to me

"You know the reason" I said

"Actually no I fucking don't, I've lost her, I've completely lost her man" he said as tears started to form in his eyes, threating to spill

"Mason ther-" I was about to say before he quickly cut me off

"No cam, there's no reason, I think we've all learned an important lesson from this" he said as he looked at me in the eyes

"What's that?" I asked

He looked away to his left before quickly looking back at me and said "that we need to care and cherish the people that we love before we lose them" he then looked away, turned around and went back in the house

I stood there and thought closely about what he said, I decided to in his house to see beers bottles all over the floor, there was a strong scent of weed, the bright moon light reflected onto the dirty wooden floor, I heard movement going upstairs from masons room so I decided to go find out what was happening

I opened the door to see him punching the wall, seeing a hole in the wall few feet away from him, few smashed beer bottles on the ground, his mirror was shattered to pieces and his phone was on the floor with cracks on

"Oi mason" I said but he didn't turn around, so I gradually started getting louder but still he didn't turn around

"OI MASON" I shouted at my loudest which made him turn around and look at me

"WHAT?" he shouted back

"Get ready, were going for a walk" I said

"Its 2am" he said

"Get the fuck ready, were going for a fucking walk" I repeated

"Okay" he said as he got his hoodie and put it on before quickly putting his shoes on and started walking towards me

I turned around and headed out of his house and i waited for him to shut the door and lock it before walking in the cold dark night.

Time skip to 3hrs

"We're here now" I said

"Hm?...where?" He asked confused

"We're here to look at the sunrise and talk" I said as I sat down on the top of the hill

"Uh, okay" is all he said before quickly sitting down

"Cam its only 5am, the sunrise isn't until 5:30" he said

"Only 30mins to wait mason, cmon it's not even that long" I said as I looked at the moon slowly going down

"Ugh fine"

"Look at the moon and the lake, its like the moon is going to soon hide underneath the lake, beautiful isn't it?" I asked

"Huh yea it is beautiful" he said as he looked at the view

I saw him take a vape out of his pocket to soon take hits from it

"I remember one time I was in an elevator that dropped three stories and while everyone was fine at that moment I realized that I lost her, that she wasn't mine anymore and that I would never get her out of my head because for all those seconds where I thought I was gonna die all I could think of was how I would never get a chance to see her beautiful smile, or her e/c eyes" he said, as I looked over at him I saw tears going down his eyes as his eyes were closed and a small smile was on his face

I looked over at the lake to see that the moon was gone and that the sun was coming up, the sky was a beautiful soothing colour and it was just so beautiful

"Tell me about her mason" I said

"You know I saw her the other day, it seemed like it had been forever, she looked happier than before, I wanted to ask her how she was but I didn't, I just couldn't, I couldn't look at her anymore without crying, I walked home just thinking about her and how I lost her, I love her, I really do" he said before quickly taking another hit of his vape, he then started talking again as we both looked at the sunrise

"When she told me to get my things and leave her voice hit me that night like a bullet to the chest, and her words have never left my head" he said as he looked down before quickly looking up and wiping his tears away

I don't think he cheated on y/n, and now all I've got to do is find out the truth, but first I've got to talk to another person that was there.
Yea I don't know where this story is going on anymore I might delete this story, idk tell me in the comments if I should delete it or what I should do

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